Trafika Europe 1 - Northern Idyll

“Badly,” replies his familiar voice in that level tone that can express any emotion, however fraught.

“What are you doing?”

“Mending an alarm clock. Has something happened?”

“Nope. In fact, everything is coming good. Let’s intersect.”

“Dima, I feel bad but I can’t pay back your loan yet. I’ve got the banks after me, and someone else besides.”

“One five nine?” [Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud)]

“That too. But I will definitely give it back,” El said, relieved.

“That’s fine. See you at the Ruins. One hour?”

“I won’t be finished.”


“You got it.”

My friend, I say to myself, just in my mind. What does that mean? Primarily, memories, which are like a foundation, a bedrock where you feel far more confident than in the


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