Trafika Europe 11 - Swiss Delights

Uncertain Manifesto 3

the balance again because the past is, perhaps, still essentially undiscovered. For this to take happen, one’s retroactive forces are needed so that the secrets of the past can crawl out of their hiding places. Nietzsche welcomes this new virtue called ‘the historical sense’. However, this sentiment is still “so poor and cold that strikes many like a frost and makes them poorer and colder.” This is a vast sentiment, still muddled, that doesn’t know what to do with the continent submerged in collective memory and it resembles a terminally ill patient worried about his health or an old man on the verge of death waxing nostalgic over his youth. The effort such a sentiment demands of us is enormous. What is required is nothing less then experiencing one’s own history as the History of all humanity. Nietzsche also wrote: “If it were possible to burden one’s soul with all of this, the most distant past, the most immediate present, the losses, hopes, conquests, and victories of humanity, to finally unite all this in one soul, in one sentiment, the result would surely be a happiness that humanity has not yet known…” No part of Nietzsche’s presentiment has come to be. A century of various radiant futures was consumed in horror and pity; and here we are: old and young children of a suspended time who hardly have the strength to dream, who barely feel the necessity


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