Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

publication of the year by the journal Oktyabr ’ and won the Russian Decameron prize for 2003. His collection that included both of the latter made the short-list of the National Bestseller prize in 2006. His second novel, The Man Who Knew Everything (2007,) a finalist for both the Russian Booker and Big Book prizes, was adapted for film in 2009 by Vladimir Mirzoyev. It also won the Strugatsky Foundation’s Bronze Snail prize. His third novel, A Conspiration of Angels , came out in 2011. Two of his novels, translated into French, are published by the prestigious Editions Gallimard. He now lives and works as an editor in Ekaterinburg. Another short story by Sakhnovsky in Alex Cigale’s translation appears in B O D Y.

TE13-03 NATALIA AZAROVA Counterdisentanglement (selections)

Natalia Azarova  (b. 1956 in Moscow) received a Ph.D. in Spanish philology from Moscow State University and was later awarded a doctorate in letters from the Institute of Language Studies in the Russian Academy of Sciences, where she currently serves as a senior fellow and the head of The Center of World Poetry Studies. She started writing poetry quite late in her life and has published eight books of poetry over the


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