Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

About the Authors

past thirteen years. In addition, she has written two monographs on the language of philosophy and its interdependence with poetic language, and produced a number of important translations of world poetry, among them, new Russian version of Du Fu’s Selected Poems, as well as the first Russian translation of the “Ode Marítima” by Fernando Pessoa, for which she was awarded the Andrei Bely Prize (2014).

TE13-04 PAVEL LEMBERSKY The Death of Samusis (short story)

Pavel Lembersky (b. 1956 in Odessa, Ukraine) came to the United States in 1977. He is the author of three collections of short stories, River #7 , The City of Vanishing Spaces , and A Unique Occurrence . His work was included in The Anthology of Short Stories (ACT, Moscow, 2000), and translated into English, German, Finnish, and Vietnamese, appearing in such literary magazines as The New Review , Little Star , Habitus , Calque , Kommentarii , Words Without Borders , Brooklyn Rail , and Gvideon . Lembersky is a contributor to Teatr , Foreign Literature , and Snob magazines as well as Pavel’s essay “A Sentimental Journey to Northern California” was recently published in Russia’s oldest literary magazine, Novii Mir . He has completed a novel, Aboard the 500th Merry Echelon. His work appears in the translation of


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