Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

Alex Cigale in Mad Hatters Review , and in print issues of Fiction International, Gargoyle, and Gobshite Quarterly.

TE13-05 ALEXANDER ULANOV Between We (selections)

Alexander Ulanov (b. 1963) lives in Samara and works at Samara State Aerospace University. His books of poetry are Wind Direction (1990), Dry Light (1993), Waves and Ladders (1997), Displacements + (2007), Methods of Seeing (2012), and the book of prose, Between We (2006). He has written more than 350 articles and book reviews about contemporary literature. He received the Andrey Bely prize for his criticism (2009) and was short- listed in the prose category in 2007, the same year he was a CEC ArtsLink Fellow at the IWP in Iowa. He is also a translator of contemporary American poets, Dylan Thomas, and Paul Valéry. Other translations of his prose poem by Alex Cigale have appeared in Big Bridge , Plume , Tupelo Quarterly, and numerous other American print periodicals.


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