Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

About the Authors

TE13-06 VAL VOTRIN The Last Magog (novel excerpts)

Val Votrin (b. 1974 in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR) is a Belgian Russophone writer who is an environmental consultant by profession. The Last Magog was shortlisted for the Andrei Bely Prize (2009) and his third novel, The Speech Therapist , was nominated for a string of literary awards, including the Russian Booker Prize, the Big Book Prize and theAlexanderPiatigorskyPrize.Hisperiodical publications include some of the most prominent journals in Russian literature, such as Novyi Mir , Novaya Yunost ’, Znamya , and NLO . His translations of English poetry were collected in his a nthology Seven Centuries of English Poetry (2007), and h is most recent contribution to Russian letters is a Selected Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (2017). TE13-07 HELGA OLSHVANG LANDAUER Parchments (selections) Helga Olshvang Landauer (b. 1969 in Moscow) is a poet, screen writer, and filmmaker. She was born in Moscow, where she graduated from the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography. Her films have been screened at many international film festivals and significant American and European venues, including the Louvre and Carnegie Hall. She has authored six books of poetry in Russian, under


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