Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

About the Authors

Massachusetts, where she co-edits the literary anthology series Fulcrum with her husband Philip Nikolayev. She is the recipient of the 2013 Russian Prize. A short story of hers appears in B O D Y.

TE13-09 ANTON VERSHOVSKY Of Danes and Denmark

Anton Vershovsky (b. 1961 in Tallinn, Estonia (then Soviet Union)) now lives in St.-Petersburg, Russia. He earned his doctorate degree from the Department of Physics, Leningrad State University, and has been working at the Ioffe Institute. He is an accomplished scientist, and author of more than 70 articles. His book on street photography: Street-Photography: Discovering a Plane was published in Moscow in 2012. His scientific research has taken him to Canada, Belgium, France and Denmark.

TE13-10 NAUM VAIMAN Judeophile (story)

Naum Vaiman (b. 1947 in Moscow) has been writing steadily since the early 60s but did not publish in Soviet Russia and became an early participant in the Jewish


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