Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

dissident movement for immigration to Israel, where he has lived since 1978. Vaiman is the author of seven published books, including of a translation (from Hebrew into Russian) of Yaakov Shabtai’s posthumous novel Past Perfect . In 1998, his novel Canaan Chronicles was nominated for the Russian Booker and made its long list. His 2014 book about Osip Mandelstam, The Tabernacles of Fear , made the short list for the Andrei Bely prize. His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in Russian (and in Hebrew translation) in numerous journals, including in NLO , Issues in Literature , and Jerusalem Journal .


Aleksandr Kushner (b. 1936 in Leningrad) has published some 15 books of poetry and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Biblioteka poeta poetry book series. He is a member of the Russian PEN Center, and his family lives in Israel. Nobel Laureate Joseph Brodsky once called Kushner “one of the best lyrical poets of the 20th century”.


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