TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

DS Maolalaí

and this very professional lady i met in a bar who took me to jersey 5 ways from manhattan and the whole city from the bridges looked like stacked logs on fire and there was light all over it and a sense that the gravity of the world was twisting as if each end of the island was curving up in the air a viking boat and i walked around dublin and london and felt none of that then i was just like a tick on a dog’s back panting in sunlight afternoon sunlight and rain all the time it was terrible and trees that leaned over like old men stiff with horror but there was a goodness there like water and i took it home and boiled it into soup i went once to the market in the west end with this guy i went to college with and we got a little drunk on beer and walked and i met a girl there i used to know but she was in a hurry so we didnt talk much and i walked around paris and it was the same as new york


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