TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Cronos Cube

up coat similar to a hip-length cassock, but made of a thick, stiff fabric.

“Glad you made it!” said Emil, as if they had agreed to meet up for a coffee.

“Where is he?” asked Zack.

“Did you think I would bring him here with me?”

“You said that I would be able to see him,” Zack said.

“And indeed you will. But first we have to talk.” He gestured for Zack to follow him. As if in a trance, Zack followed himacross the square. What exactly did Emil want to talk to him about? Surely it was about the payment of a ransom – in cash or as jewelry. He relaxed a little. Percy would give Emil anything he wanted. He just had to let her in on it. So what did Emil want with him? He could have just got in touch with Percy like a normal abductor. The different scenarios flashed through his mind, as they left the hall (the tree trunk) through a gate. Although Zack had seen a blue sky through the hole for the airships, the light outside was dim. That was because the sunlight did not have the slightest chance of penetrating through the mass of foliage above their heads down to the ground.

Octavianhadnot beenexaggeratingwhenhesaid that the treewas


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