PEI Liquor - 2019 Winter eFlyer

ALL FIRED UP! A little sweet and heat is the perfect recipe to warm up this winter. These fiery desserts are real show-stoppers!

Bananas Foster Serves 6 INGREDIENTS


½ cup salted butter 1 cup brown sugar ½ cup heavy cream 2 bananas, peeled and cut in half lengthwise A pinch of cinnamon 4 oz Old Sam Dark Rum Good quality vanilla ice cream for serving DIRECTIONS

In a large heavy-bottom skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the brown sugar and stir to combine. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sugar dissolves. Add the cream, then stir again to combine. Once the mixture comes to a simmer, place the bananas cut side down in the pan. Carefully pour the rum over everything, then use a long BBQ lighter to ignite the alcohol. Stand back and gently shake the pan until the flames burn out.

Enjoy right away with scoops of vanilla ice cream.


OLD SAM DARK RUM 03720Z, 750 mL, $28.49



*Limited Time Offers from January 4 - February 12

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