PEI Liquor - Celebrate Summer 2021

it difficult for breweries to land on core/ flagship beers. When we selected our core beers - they were the styles that seem to have always excelled in any market. Since 2010, there has seemed to be a lot of buzz around gimmicky beers with brewers adding crazy ingredients - such as smoothies beers or milkshake IPAs, luckily it doesn’t seem like those stick around. We are delighted to see a resur-gence in more classic styles and traditional lagers. They have been around for hundreds of years and there is no wonder - they are delicious! Our Fixed Link Pilsner is a great example of a traditional German style Pilsner. What styles are you excited to be brewing right now, or would like to brew in the future? Sounding like a broken record here - but we like to stay focused on our 3 main categories of beer styles. We are excited to be brewing low ABV hoppy beers like our Noble (0.7%) and Modest (3.5%). These beers are very flavorful yet don’t pack too boozy punch. In addition to these, our brewing staff love experimenting with oak fermented fruited beers such as Rouge. A bit of a beer/wine hybrid that takes both beer and wine strategies into consideration. Lastly, who doesn’t love clean, crisp lagers. We are hoping to add a few new cold fermented beers to our lineup of beers! Stay tuned!

Lone Oak Fixed Link Maritime Pilsner

Lone Oak Yankee Gale American Pale Ale

Lone Oak South Shore Sour

473mL, 81748X 4.49 $

473mL, 81751X 4.49 $

473mL, 81750X 4.49 $





Limited time offers from June 23 - July 27

Prices subject to change | Products not available at all locations | While supplies last

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