PEI Liquor Celebrate Summer 2023

White Noize White IPA. The tangy tomato sauce and basil pesto work so well with White Noize’s hazy, bittersweet hoppy flavours. A staff favourite is definitely the Sweet Pig, which has a garlic cream base, smoked mozzarella, bacon, and maple syrup. We recommend pairing this one with Do Gooder APA - its bright citrus really compliments the sweet and smoky pie!

6. What was the process behind the creation of Libra Non-Alcoholic Craft Beer?

Libra was inspired by the need for finding balance. It wasn’t long before we discovered working in the beverage industry required constant sampling and socializing, with craft brews at the center of it all. Creating a non alcoholic beer seemed like the answer to finding our balance while socializing without sacrifice. After 2 years of research and development, we launched Libra non alcoholic craft Beer in October of 2020. For us, it fills the need of feeling like we’re drinking a craft beer with none of the alcohol and around 30 calories. It looks and tastes like craft beer because we make it just like our others, with some small tweaks along the way. Libra has grown leaps and bounds over the past 3 years and is now available Canada-wide. We couldn’t be happier to be able to provide a non-alcoholic beverage for people to enjoy.



Limited time offers from July 26 - August 29

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