Instruksjonsbok Volvo A25D - A30D
Brake System
Dual-circuit, air over hydraulic disc brakes
On both A25D and A30D, an engine-driven air compres- sor delivers operating pressure to the brake system. Brake boosters convert the compressed air into hydraulic pressure that operates the dry disc brakes. As back-up, there are accumulators (air tanks) that provide brake sys- tem pressure if the engine or compressor should fail. The system is divided into two independent circuits, one for the tractor unit and one for the load unit. If one circuit fails, braking capacity always remains in the other circuit. The brake system meets the requirements according to ISO 3450. Brakes, A25D and A30D The dry disc brakes are well-protected and have a better self-cleaning function than drum brakes when operating in tough conditions. The disc brakes have a long service life, and act on all wheels to give smooth and comfortable braking. Reliable, well-protected system Well-protected locations of air tanks, brake boosters, hoses and pipes give a safe system with few vulnerable points.
Brake system/ malfunction indication The warning light (1) and the operator’s display (2) on the instrument panel provide reliable warning if a mal- function occurs in the brake system. Pressure gauges (3) for both circuits provide continuous information about the system air pressure. If the pressure drops, the opera- tor communication system informs the operator via the display, central warning lights and buzzer.
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