Chronological History of the American Civil War

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These United States

With the outbreak of the Civil War, the North consisted of 22 states and the South had 11 states. Kansas was admitted to the U.S. in January 1861, a few months before the war and West Virginia was admitted in 1863 and Nevada in 1864. Tennessee was the first of the Confederate States readmitted to the Union on July 24, 1866 and Georgia became the last Confederate State readmitted to the Union on July 15, 1870. Today, we now have 50 states!

Our War History Well, we had already been engaged in three significant wars before the Civil War and now six more since then. You would think we would have figured out how to refrain from these outlandish affairs, but it seems history tends to repeat itself…again and again! Still, the Civil War reigns as the bloodiest and most deadly of them all.

Wars Ranked by U.S. Military Deaths – Source Wikipedia

We should learn from our history -- the good, the bad and the ugly. We need to judge our history based on the times that existed then, not our current political agenda. Instead of pointing to Civil War monuments and other historical sites as symbols of slavery, we should realize that they represent a turning point in our history where we first began to recognize the equality of the races. Numerous Union and Confederate Reunions were held for 75 or more years after the Civil War. The last Union and Confederate veterans died in the early 1950’s. May this book be a tribute to all those who perished or served in this Great American Civil War.

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