Chronological History of the American Civil War

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Appendix I - Did You Know

A few facts you might not know about the Great American Civil War. This appendix is intended to bring additional insight to the Civil War that simply goes beyond dates and facts that we tend to be taught in school. This book has attempted to present the Great American Civil War in its natural setting from a local West Tennessee perspective, so the reader can experience these historic events as if you were there. Whether you are Black or White, Latino or Asian … from the North or South or East or West, you are free to form your own opinions about this tragic four-year period in our Nation’s history. I dare anyone to read this book in its entirety and not gain a new-found appreciation for those who fought and died on either side as well as for those who survived the ravages of this great war. Hopefully, these little antidotes will provide an additional dimension as to what it was like to have lived in the 1860’s.

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