

927 1911 (12 Feb.) A cover from Thiwa, Sinkiang registered to Kweihwai City, Shanxi. On front hand stamped ‘R/Sinkiang Thiwafu/ No.’ (新彊迪化府) registration frame chop in black char. single ring ‘SINKIANG/THIWAFU’ Lunar cds, with the year index ‘1911’ (辛亥) via Russia, with hand stamped (由俄國轉) and ‘AR’ registration chop in black. on reverse bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 30c, tied by very neat single ring ‘SINKIANG/THIWAFU’ Lunar cds, which is as the same as the cancel on the front. ‘PEKING/15.2.11’ and ‘TAITUNGFU/19.2.11’ bilingual transit, both with the char. year index (辛亥) with ‘KWEIHWAITING/21.2.11’(歸化廳) arrival Lunar cds, with the year index (辛亥) an excellent cover, shows very clear transit postmarks. especially via Russia and then mailed back to Peking. Rare. Photo HK$ 60,000 - 70,000


928 1916 (28 Sept.) A cover registered to Tsing Hwa College, Peking, bearing 1st overprinted ‘For use in Sinkiang’ on Junk 1/2c strip of 4, 2c, 3c and 4c both in pair, all tied by bilingual ‘TIHWAFU (URUMTSI)’ cds, hand stamped ‘R/Tihwafu China/No.566’ reg. frame chop in black on reverse with bilingual ‘PEKING/30.10.16’ transit and ‘TSINHWAYUAN/31.10.16’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 3,600 - 4,000


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