


929 1917 (2 Feb.) A large official double registered envelop from Cheungkat to Turfan, bearing overprinted 1st overprinted ‘For use in Sinkiang’ on Junk 4c in pair, tied by char. ‘SINKIANG/CHEUNGKATHSIEN’ cds, hand stamped ‘AR’ and ‘R/Sinkiang/ Cheungkathsien’ reg. frame chop in black, on reverse, with bilingual ‘TIHWA/3.2.17’ transit and ‘TURFAN/5.2.17’ (吐魯笛廳) arrival cds. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 930 1919 (6 June) A large official government cover to Peking, on front bearing 2nd overprinted ‘For use in Sinkiang’ on Junk 5c and 7c in pair, both with perfin. in char. And tied by bilingual ‘TIHWAFU’ cods, on reverse with bilingual ‘PEKING/14.7.19’ arrival cds. folded at the bottom. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 3,000

931 1919 (11 Apr.) Overprinted ‘For use in Sinkiang’ on Junk 4c red reply card, sent to Belgium, via Siberia, front card tied by bilingual ‘TIHWAFU’ (迪化府) with ‘BRUXEILLES/9.6.19’ arrival cds. The other card also tied by the same bilingual cancellation, no address. Very fine and rare. Han 104. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 14,000 931


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