(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3118 蘭州航空郵件 Airmail from Lanchow

Allegedly Lanchow airport was closed on August 19 ,1949 – one week before its liberation This is among the late Silver Yuan airmail letters leaving Lanchow. The cover is affixed with five 10 fen, one 1 fen and one 4 fen Hwa Nan SYS Silver Yuan. The 55 fen total postage was equivalent to the International airmail postage rate. 據報道,蘭川機場於1949.8.19關閉(解放前1周)。此封為1949.8.6 從蘭州寄往美國西雅圖的航郵封,為比較晚期蘭州銀 元航空實寄封, 此封. 上貼華南版孫像10分5枚、1分,4分各一枚,55分總值符付國際航空郵資50分。​ HK$ 9,000 - 15,000


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