WESSA Coastal Newsletter March 2021

Bulungula Beach Clean-ups

Bulungula beach clean up crew smiling for the camera!

Blaauwberg Nature Reserve Beach Clean-ups

Blaauwberg Nature Reserve in partnership with the Friends of Blaauwberg Conservation Area (FoBCA) have restarted monthly clean-ups in February 2021. 39 volunteers assisted for the most recent week long clean-up. 53 bags of litter was removed for the week. The top 3 items counted (using The Beach Coop Dirty Dozen score sheet) were cigarette butts , bottle tops/lids and lollipop sticks. These clean-ups are conducted monthly as part of the Green Coast monitoring requirements for the Habitat theme. The public are encouraged to join in!

New banners made by the Friends of Blaauwberg Conservation Area displayed at Blaauwberg Nature Reserve helping to improve visibility and encourage public participation.

For more information, contact Elzette Krynauw elzette.krynauw@capetown.gov.za

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