Associate Magazine FBINAA Q2-2023

“managing the chaos.” Learn how to continue to grow, train and display command presence and assertiveness while having the ability to manage the macro and micro. This course will provide you with tools to employ to in crease your self-awareness, improve your work life balance and create a healthier organizational culture overall. Dr. Stephen Odom i s a notable healthcare and addiction treatment professional with more than 30 years of expertise in the field. He is the Founder and Chief Clinical Officer of First Responder Wellness and Shift Wellness and the CEO of The Counseling Team International. Dr. Odom’s focus on First Responder Wellness was born of his family’s career backgrounds with the military, healthcare, law enforcement, fire, education, and public safety, and was honed as he created and led specialty programs for physicians, nurses, first responders and their families. Stephen has a compre hensive educational background in healthcare, holding a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Behavior, master’s de grees in Experimental and Clinical Psychology (Palo Alto University), a doctoral candidacy in Clinical Psychology, and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) with a focus in Healthcare Administration. Moreover, he is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California and Idaho. Some of his professional experience includes numerous administration and clinical leadership positions at Behavioral health and chemical dependency treatment organizations and hospitals in Califor nia, such as Hoag Hospital in Orange County and El Camino Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Odom has been coined as a wellness and behavioral health expert with peer-reviewed articles published on mental health, substance abuse and technology; was presented the National Behavioral Health Champion award in 2018; has appeared on The Today Show; the 2016 documentary film California High, and multiple print, radio, and podcast media channels. The INCEL Movement. America's Next Domestic Terrorist Threat? Chief Byron Snellgrove , Director of Public Safety, Cayce Department of Public Safety (SC) (Retired) 1.5 hours education credit The INCEL (Involuntary Celibate) Movement is an underground, primarily social media based, group of mostly white males who are angry that they are not having the sexual relationships that they want to have. This move ment is growing and is responsible for a number of high profile and mass killings over the last few years, includ ing a child abduction/homicide Chief Snellgrove worked in 2020 that gained national attention. Members, many who are writing manifestos, are becoming more militant and violent and may be one of the next largest domestic terrorist threats to America. This class is an overview of the movement and multiple cases that "INCEL's" have been involved in. Chief Byron Snellgrove is a veteran First Responder working both in the Fire Service and Law Enforcement. His career spanned 38 years when he retired as the last Director of Public Safety (Police and Fire Chief) at the City of Cayce SC in December 2021. One of his last duties as Director was to split the Public Safety Department into separate Police and Fire Departments. Early in his career, Byron’s passion was always Special Operations: Narcotics, Tactics, HAZMAT, Search and Rescue. Later in his career he focused on Leadership and Command. He is a certified Fire Instructor, Law Enforcement Instructor, NRA and Terrorism Instructor. He has been assigned to work with ATF, DEA and US Marshals Task Forces. During his career he has attended numerous Command Level Training courses, including the Narcotic Commanders School and FBI Command College. Additionally, he is the recipient of the Jeffersonian Award, The ICON Award, Resolutions of Achievement from both the SC House and Senate and was recently honored by Governor Henry McMaster with the Order of the Palmetto, the State’s highest civilian award. He has been personally involved in numerous high-profile events and cases over the years. These include Hurricane Hugo in SC and Andrew in FL, the 2005 Graniteville train crash, the 2018 Amtrak train crash, officer involved shootings, homicides, and a 2020 child abduction/murder. Chief Snellgrove currently speaks at numerous venues around the country on Leadership, Crisis Management, Officer Safety, Mental Health and Wellness and First Responder Assistance Programs. He also consults on major cases and security threat assessments. Byron and his wife, Nancy, live in rural SC and have five children and two grandchildren. Officer Wellness from Pre-Employment to Retirement Dr. Heather McElroy , Ph.D; ABPP; Managing Partner/Board Certified Police and Public Safety Psycholo gist, Psychological Dimensions, LLC 1.5 hours education credit The hiring pool for public safety has changed drastically while the stress of working in public safety has increased significantly over the past several years. It is critical to consider officer wellness even before the very first day of work with the agency. Partnering with a police and public safety psychologist can improve your hiring process to ensure that you screen out people who inherently have poor stress tolerance and coping skills or who are just not suited for work in emergency services. Making mental health a more salient component of overall wellness


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