MayJune Associate Magazine.2018.FINAL
M AY 2 0 1 8 J U N E
The intent of this column is to announce Promotions, Retirements and Deaths for the Chapters. Please find expanded Chapter Chat on our website under the current Associate Magazine issue to stay up-to-date on what's happening in our 48 Chapters. Submit chapter news on the Chapter Chat Submission Form by the 1st of every even month. Please attach to the email high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos to: Susan Naragon |
RETIREMENTS n JimmyWalker , NA Session 254, retired in April 2018.
Police Department, retired after forty-four years of service, and eight years as Chief. Best of luck in retirement Mike!
n Director Ed Pavey , NA Session 137 retired on June 16, 2018 from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center after over 49 years of public safety service.
n Congratulations to Scott Sils- bee , NA Session 243, for being appointed to serve as the Deputy Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol, which is the largest state police agency in the nation. Well done Scott, we wish you all the best. n David Nisleit , NA Session 258, was promoted to Chief of San Diego PD. Congratulations Chief! n Congratulations also go out to Mark Stainbrook , NA Session 240, who was appointed Chief of Police for the San Diego Harbor Police Department. n Eric Thunberg , NA Session 255, and currently the 4th Vice President of the California Chap- ter, was promoted to Captain in April. We are proud of you Eric, Congratulations! n DerekWilliams , NA Session 263, was selected as Police Chief for Ontario Police Department. n David Valentin , NA Session 226, was appointed to Chief of Police for Santa Ana Police Department. n Michael Olivieri , NA Session 267, was promoted to Police Chief of Pomona Police Depart- ment after serving as their interim Chief. n Cindy Renaud , NA Session 214, left the City of Folsom to become Chief of Santa Monica Police Department.
n Captain Mark Hanten , NA Ses- sion 269, retired in April.
n Double congratulations go to Ed Medrano , NA Session 220, who retired as the Police Chief for the City of Gardena and will now go on to be the City Manager for the City of Gardena. Way to go!! n Fontana Police Chief, Robert Ramsey , NA Session 221 retired at the beginning of May. n Steven Kea , NA Session 260, retired from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. n Joe Cusimano , NA Session 244, retired from the San Ber- nardino Sheriff’s Department. n Donna Lusczynski , NA Ses- sion 231, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, was promoted to Chief Deputy. RETIREMENTS n David Allen , NA Session 218, will retire as Chief of Police for the Surfside Police Department on June30, 2018. FLORIDA PROMOTIONS
n Lt. Dave Okada , NA Session 200, Salem Police Department
n Kurt VonMinden , NA Session 270, was recently promoted to Captain with the Nebraska State Patrol in Command of Troop E, Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Congratu- lations Captain! RETIREMENTS n Current FBINAA Nebraska Chapter Vice President, Mary Newman , NA Session 230, retired from the Omaha Police Depart- ment. She retires after a great ca- reer, reaching the rank of Deputy Chief. Newman will remain active on the executive board. Best of luck in retirement Mary!
n Chief Vern Thompson , NA Session 198, Eagle Point Police Department n Chief Don Johnson , NA Ses- sion 185, Lake Oswego Police Department n Chief Terry Moss , NA Session 225, St. Helens Police Depart- ment PROMOTIONS n Captain Dale Jorgenson , NA Session 244, Lake Oswego Police will be promoted to Chief of Police July 1, 2018.
n Chief of Police, Mike Swain , NA Session 149, North Platte
n Major Kirk Manlove , NA Ses- sion 246, retired on June 22, 2018 from the Springfield, MO Police Department after 24 ½ years of service!
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