2001 Best Practices Study
is available in two formats – hard copy and electronically. The
hard copy, which can be purchased via the IIAA distribution center (800-261-4422), contains all
the numerical results as well as an analysis at the beginning of each revenue section of the
business practices used by those top agencies in that study group. The electronic Executive
Update contains only the numerical results and can be accessed via the websites of IIAA and
Reagan Consulting
www.reaganconsulting.com). From the
sites, users can enter the Best Practices Gateway page to view an html version of the Executive
Update, download a Best Practices Excel spreadsheet to compare their year-end results with the
study’s results, and access the complete family of Best Practices resources.
As in previous years, the update provides an analysis of agencies by revenue size, by region and
by population density of the city in which they primarily operate. In addition, the study contains an
analysis of agencies that indicated that Personal Lines is an important source of revenue.
Other Best Practices Studies and Tools
In addition to providing benchmarks and documenting the business practices of leading agencies,
the IIAA and Reagan Consulting periodically address specific business practices or focus on
issues of critical importance to independent agencies. Such studies include
The Best Practices
of Leading Sales Organizations
The Best Practices for Perpetuation and Management
Tools designed to help agencies measure and improve their performance include
Agency Self-Diagnostic Tool
and the
Joint Agency Company Planner
. These
studies and tools, which are part of a complete line of
Best Practices
products and
services, can be ordered through the IIAA Distribution Center at 800-261-4422.