
Total amount of points WP 1.3 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks


Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better. Standardisation Good: ≥ 25 points Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Evaluation of work process 1.3 Carries out nursing technical procedures (tick where appropriate)

 This work process has been evaluated as good

 This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory

 This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory

Examinee’s name: ……………………………………….. (written in full in block letters)

Signature (seen):


Work process 1.6 Provides information, advice and instruction

Assignment 1 Within the execution of your tasks, you provide patients with highly complex issues, next of kin and/or caregivers with clear and understandable information, advice and instructions. You provide information and advice for the benefit of maintaining or increasing self-reliance, focused on the options for dealing with an illness or impairments. Focus on the options and impairments of the patient. Create a plan on how you will provide the information or advice. Provide the information according to the plan. Assignment 2 Create an instruction plan for a group of patients, caregivers and/or next of kin. (A group can also be taken to mean a family or relatives.) The instruction may deal with:  an instruction about teaching a nursing technical procedure  an instruction about the use of an aid  or an instruction of the examinee’s choice.


Consortium vocational training Z&W series 2014 Training: Nurse 2014-vp-4-e3

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