2011 Summer Newsletter

“Message from the Director” Due to being recently hired as your director/curator I have been trying to get around to everyone and meeting them. First, thank you all for your generous support for your county museum; your contributions and support are what keeps our doors PQFO BOE JO UIFTF EJď DVMU FDPOPNJD UJNFT XIFO GVOEJOH JT EJď DVMU CVU UIJOHT BSF getting better each day thanks to all your valuable support. With all that said, my ĕ STU NFTTBHF UP ZPV NBZ CF NPSF MFOHUIZ UIBO OPSNBM 4FDPOE XF IBWF NBEF B NBKPS GBDFMJę XJUIJO UIF NVTFVN TJODF .BZ JG ZPV DPNF JO now it will not look the same. Currently in partnership with the Freedom Frontier Foundation (http://www.freedomsfrontier.org/donations.php) we have created an in-depth exhibit focusing on Miami County’s history during the early settlement pe SJPE ,BOTBT .JTTPVSJ #PSEFS 8BST $JWJM 8BS BOE ĕ OJTIJOH XJUI UIF $PVOUZ T QBSU JO FDPOPNJD EFWFMPQNFOU EVSJOH UIF 3FDPOTUSVDUJPO QFSJPE ć JT FYIJCJU GFBUVSFT over 50 enlarged photos, numerous Civil War era weapons, a Civil War amputation kit, Civil War era military equipment, local 19th century maps, 1865 wagon and many other artifacts.


Also as a great note, our museum and its stories have been featured in the Miami Republic newspaper nine times now during this last quarter; almost a story every week about the museum and our local history. So if you have access to the internet, please check out these great stories about the happenings PG ZPVS NVTFVN ć FTF TUPSJFT BOE great publicity is all due to the hard XPSL PG PVS NVTFVN TUBČ /PU POMZ local publicity, but the museum has received a $2500 marketing grant, which will be utilized to advertise our museum in the Kansas City Star newspapers special Civil War section coming out July 24th, which will reach 700,000 readers. We also have started a traveling his

A view of our new photo displays and exhibits in the main room

tory program for several of our county senior citizen homes. So far, we have conducted our traveling history program UXJDF TJODF CFHJOOJOH JO FBSMZ +VOF BOE JU IBT UVSOFE PVU UP CF B HSFBU TVDDFTT ć JT QSPHSBN JOWPMWFT UBLJOH XIBU artifacts that we can transport or create miniatures of our displays and presenting hour long historical presentations at each facility. As stated before, this program has been well received and will continue as long as demand continues. For more information on this program, you can visit the following story featured in the Miami Republic newspaper at: http://www.kccommunitynews.com/miami-county-friday-community-living/28107994/detail.html "T B GVUVSF HPBM XF IBWF TVCNJUUFE PVS BQQMJDBUJPO UP IPTU B 4NJUITPOJBO &YIJCJU UJUMFE ić F 8BZ 8F 8PSLFEw ć JT exhibit will feature how Americans have worked in the past and we will also be featuring at least two exhibits of our PXO EFQJDUJOH QBTU XPSL XJUIJO .JBNJ $PVOUZ ć JT FYIJCJU JT B HSFBU PQQPSUVOJUZ GPS PVS NVTFVN TJODF UIF MBTU UXP Smithsonian exhibits that we hosted brought in as many as 6,000 visitors to our museum in six weeks. I’ll keep you posted on this exhibit. JoeHursey

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