Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940



Eighth Eucharistic Congress Catholics throughout the nation will turn expectant eyes toward the ancient colonial capital of Louisiana next Monday when the Eighth National Eucharistic Congress will be opened there. Hundreds of thousands of bishops, · priests and people are now on their way to New Orleans to pai'ticipate in this great public act of faith in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist. Along with their sentiments of faith, hope and love, will arise from every heart prayers for peace to the Prince of Peace Himself as He is raised aloft in the churches of that ancient Catholic city or is carried in public procession through its colorful streets. Those of us who cannot be physically present should unite our prayers with the prayers of the congressists that our Eucharistic Lord mig;ht continue to bless our land and, in accordance with the directions of our Most Reverend Bishop who has asked for "an impressive pro- gram of diocesan participation," should attend the special Eucharistic devotions which will be held in every church of the diocese this Sunday, Oct. 16. @ffitial ~ppointmtnts + Michael J. O'Connor, Seeretar, OCTOBER 12-14-Bishops' meeting, Washington, D. C. OCTOBER 16-20-National Eucharistic Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana. OCTOBER 24-Golden Jubilee of Regis College, Denver, Colo. Sermon. , BISHOP'S LETTER ON THE K. OF C. Oct. 14, 1938. To the Clergy and Laity of San Diego: We heartily endorse the Knightsof Columbus mem- bership campaign soon to be launched by our local council of the Knights of Columbus. This organization, thor- oughly Catholic, both in its membership and in its ideals, is dedicated to the good of religion, to social uplift, to works of charity and the fostering of patriotism. In these troublesome days when the red forces of evil would overthrow our government and its institutions, when a false philosophy encroaches insidiously and threatens the destruction both of home and country, we have the duty to be alert and to join our talents and energies in a union that has both .strength and courage. In a word it is imperative that all the real Catholics of the Diocese be organized and coordinated under the banner of our faith. The personnel directing San Diego Council, Knights of Columbus, is responsible, loyal and zealous for the common welfare. May their endeavors meet with every success and may the Knights march fearlessly forward to their sublime objectives-the glory of God and the stability of our country. Very sincerely yours, + CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego.

Price 5 Cents

Reduced Rates Arranged for Maternity Cases in ew Plan Projected by Bishop Buddy and Accepted by Hospital Staff; Includes Pre-Natal Plan. _Considerably reduced rates for hospitalization and medical care_ of expectant mothers of moderate means at Mercy ~ospital were the results achieved by His Excel- lency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, at a series of conferences ?el? :Vith the superior and medical staff of the local mst1tution. Interviewed by a representative ment of these rates, a pre-natal

plan whereby the patient may give a small weekly or monthly remit- tance until the total amount is paid for the desired service. has been arranged and is recommend- ed to patients. Interviews ·with both supeiintendent and doctor several months in advance of hos- pitalization are advised. 5. Reduced rates are restricted to accommodations in the hos- pital's materni~y ward unless the patient's condition requires a private room. In such a case, the room is provided without addi- tional expense. 6. Income, dependents and out- standing obligations are the fac- tors that determine the patient's eligibility. 7. Reduced rates are available to all patients regardless of re- ligion or race as the hospital is a public institution and offers a strictly non-sectarian service. Bishop Buddy stated that his appeal to the doctors at the hos- pital to provide medical care at the lowest possible rate received a ready and favorable response from members of the staff. His Excellency also commends the hospital for its readiness to pro- viae reduced 1a~es 1or con.,cien- tious married couples of moderate means.

I of The Southern Cross, His Ex- cellency stated that the new plan grew out of requests made by young mariied couples who; keen- ly conscious, as a result of a re cent series of sermons preached in every church in the diocese, of the duties of Christian marriage; are unable, on the other hand, to meet the regular rates for ma- ternity cases. The details of the agreement stated by the Bishop are: 1. A flat rate of $27.00 for a service of three days with an am- bulance available to take the pa- tient home for $3.00 provided she lives within the regular zone in which transportation costs $5.00 may be secured by patients eligi- ble for reduced rates. The rate for five days is $35.00; for eight days, $45.00; and for ten days, $50.00. 2. These rates are accepted by doctors. 3. Mothers who contemplate a stay in the hospital are asked to seek an interview with the super- intendent in order that rates con- sistent with their means may be secured. A like interview with the p~tl~r..t's clo""!or is 2.lso ece:~ary~ Pre-Natal Plan 4. To facilitate further the pay-

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