Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

--Friday, January 28, 1938

FRU)AY. F EBRUAR 4, 1938

Official Organ of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Vol. XI.IV No. 4 $2.00 Per Year Sc Per Copy rch ishop Invested with Pallium ..... FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1938

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Major Seminary Campaign Radio Programs Friday, January 28- KGER-6:45-7 p. m. (Ita- lian). Tuesday, February 1- KNX-12:30 p. m. Right Rev. Msgr. John Cawley, P.A., V.G. Tuesday, February 1- KFWB - 7 p. m., Major S<:minary Program. Tuesday, February 1- KMTR-8 p. m. (Spanish). Friday, February 4- KFWB - 7 p. m., Major Seminary Program. Mexico 'Dawns' As Problem To

Photographed immedia!cly fol'owing the investiture ceremony, Archbish op Cantwell is seen (center) wearing the Pallium. With him are the aHsi: ing Bisr. ,pa ai~d mern •rs of the clergy. Front row, left lo right: Most Ilev. Philip G. Scher, Bishop oi Monterey-Fresno; Most Rev. Da13iel J. Gerck,1, Bi:;hop oi Tucson; e Archbishop; Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, and Most Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, Bishop of Reno Administration Investiture Ceremony Is Performed by Bishop Gercke, Tucson; Washington- (NCWC) -The Bishop Scher Celebrant of Mass O Bishop Buddy Gives the Sermon t;i::~;~;~:;~i~~;li;i~:dtonc~~~: ! --------------------------- tnes m the Western Hemisphere, cellency, the Most Reverend John J. Cantwell, D.D., Arch- Archbishop Cantwell placed his us to witness the imposition of ment. The State Department bishop of Los Angeles, was invested with the Pallium last hands, and repeated the words the Sacred Pallium on the Most has heretofore moved with great Wednesday morning in the chapel of the Los Angeles Junior of the investing ceremony. Reverend Ordinary of this great caution and forbearance, but Seminary. The investiture was performed by His Excel- Bishop Gercke then rose, took A hd. there are some signs that its pa- lency, the Most RPverend Daniel J. Gercke, D.D., Bishop of the Pallium in both hands, hold- _ re iocese, - great in its rec- tience is approaching the point Tucson. assisted by their Excellencies, the Most Reverend ing the double part in his right ord of achievement, distinguish- of exhaustion. The seizure, with- Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, and the Most ed by beneficence and mission- out compensation, of lands own- hand, presented the cross in its Rev~rc d Philip G. Scher, D.D., Bishop of Monterey-Fresno. ary zeal in garnering souls for ed by citizens of the United center to the Archbishop to be th K" d f H His Excellency, the Most Reverend Thomas K. Gorman, e mg om O eaven, great States in Mexico has been the kissed, then placed the Pallium · ·t f · d Bishop of Reno, was also present. m I s program o expansion an occasion for some irritation. The on the shoulders of the Arch- vigorous development _ great excessi·ve t d t · t· Po ntifical Mass was celebrated before the ceremony, - axes an res nc ions bishop. Fixing the three pins, indeed in the fairest promises laid upo A · d f · with Bishop Scher officiating. n mencan an oreign he recited the prayers of the for the future. oil companies in Mexico have The sermon, of which a verbatim report will be fou nd Pontifical. The prestige of Los Angeles increased it. beginning on this page, was preached by His Excellency "TE DEUM" is recognized by the Sovereign Now, the levying of excessive- Bishop Buddy. Pontiff in His gracious bestowal ly high tariffs on imported The music was rendered by the Seminary Choir, under At th e conclusion of th e pray- of the Pallium here today. We goods, coming largely from the the direction of Rev. Robert Brennan, Mus. D., with Vito er, Bishop Gercke a nd his as- read in the Liber Pontificalis United States, has created an- Cassano officiating at the organ. siS t ants proceeded to th e Gospel that the Pallium - symbol of other situation which subjects to Chaplains to His Excellency_ the Archbishop were Right side of th e A 1 tar. Bishop the Plentitudo Pontificalis Of- further strain the relations of Gercke's mitre was removed, f·c·· o b Ar hb" h · th t t · M · R ev. Msgr. John M. McCarthy, V.F., and Right Rev. 1 u - w rn Y c 1s ops m e wo coun nes. ex1co ap- the Metropolitan Cross-bearer the1·r respe t· Pro · · pe r t b th .. b Msgr. John J Cli.fford, S.".L, J.C.L. All the Monsignori of c ive vmces - m- a s O e on e verge 01. e- brought the Cross to the Altar dicates their participation in the ing recogn1·zed off1·c1·ally as "a the Archdiocese were present. Those from other dioceses d R" ht R M center, where the Archbishop. Continued on Page 3 problem." were Right Rev. Msf'"r. James Cantwell an ig ev. sgr. kissed it, turned, and, facing the Francis P. McElroy of San Francisco; also Right Rev. Msgr. Cross, gave his solemn blessing. John M. Hegarty of San Diego. Both Bishop Gercke and the The masters of ceremonies were Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph Archbishop made a reverence T. McGucken, Rev. John J. Devlin and Rev. H. Gross. to the Cross, descended the Preceding the Mass, the prelates and seminarians taking steps, and received their mitres New York Society Organized To Legalize Euthanasia . . _ In a simple although very impressive ceremony, His Ex- is being subjected to further of Bishop Gercke, upon which been mindful of us and blessed strain by the Mexican Govern-

and croziers. The ceremony was concluded with intonation of the "Te Deum."

part in the ceremony entered the chapel in sol€mn proces- sion. Led by the processional cross-bearer, the procession consisted of two acolytes, two book-bearers, two candle- bearer , tw, 1 tre-b( ·ers, two crozier-bearers, a train- bearer, and a "Metropoli an cross-bearer, followed by the Bishop of San Diego, th · ishop of Monterey-Fresno, and the four cha l· ·n, \do w .. r t assist the Archbishop and Bishop Gercke. At the end of the procession was the Archbishop, vested in rochet and m zetta, and at his left, Bishop Gercke, vested in mantiletta. IN THE SANCTUARY Upon arriving c::t foe Sanctuary, the Archbishop and Bish- op Gercke proceeded to the Altar steps, genuflecte_d, and re- mained a few moments in prayer, then, after makmg rever- ences to each other, took their places, the Archbishop on_ the Gospel side of the Sanctuary, Bishop Gercke on th~ ~p1st~e side. Bishop Scher, meanwhile, remained at a pned1eu_ m the center of the Sanctuary while reading the Preparat10n for Mass, assisted by Book and Candle bearers. At the con- clusion of these prayers, vestments were brought from the Altar. When vested, the Bishop made reverences to the other prelates present, then proceeded to the foot of the Altar to begin Mass as usual. At the conclusion of the Agnus Dei, he kissed the instru- ment of peace which w;s then _taken to the other Prel_ates. After the Communion, Lhe Palhum was brought on a silver tray, covered with a veil, and place on the Altar. THE INVESTITURE saluted each other, and pro- Following Mass, the Arch- ceeded to the Altar steps. After bishop vested in all his pontifi- genuflecting, the Bishop sat on cals as for Mass, while Bishop the faldstool placed on the Al- Gercke vested with cape and tar steps, the Archbishop re- gold mitre, waited at his place. moved· his mitre, gave up his Meanwhile, ministers prepared crozier, and knelt before the Al- the Altar for the ceremony. tar, where he read the oath held When the Archbishop had by the book-bearers. The Mis- vested, he and Bishop GerckP ::;al was then placed on the knees

New York - (Ncwc) - A Na- tional Society for the Legaliza- tion of Euthanasia, which is re- ferred to by its sponsors as "mercy killing," has been or- ganized here. Its advocates con- tend it should be made legal for a person with an incurable ail- ment to ch o o s e immediate death. The c1w1ouncement was made by Dr. Charles Francis Potter, who is described as leader of the First Humanist Society. In- cluded among the directors and on the advisory b o a r d are writers, college professors, edu- cators, a rabbi and others iden- tified with the birth control movement. "The Christian church, espe- cially the Roman Catholics, I have been told," Dr. Potter said, "will bitterly oppose euthanasia; Encyclical Radio Topic In Canada Series Montreal-(NCWC)-The En- cyclical Divini Redemptoris is the subject of the new series of sermons to be broadcast during the Catholic Radio Hour over station CKAC. This series will continue through May. The first speaker is the Jesuit Father Archambault.

. the legal profession may say there are insuperable obstacles to the passing of laws, and medi- cal men may bring up their Hippocratic oath (dated 400 B. C.). But common men and wom- en, faced with the practical problem of whether or not they will let their loved ones suffer torment for m o n th s before death, will cut through all this ancient red tape and somehow make it possible to do the de- cent and right thing." Asuncion, Paraguay.- ( NCWC) -The Bishops of Paraguay, in a letter to the Cardinal Archbish- op of Toledo, declare that their country "which_ may be the smallest offspring of Spain but loves her none the less" in her heart deplores all that is hap- pening in Spain. "We admire the valor of your nation, whose sons are fighting such memorable battles in pur- suit of the noble aim of uphold- ing the rights of the Catholic Church and of freedom to prac- tice religious worship," 1.he Bishops state. Paraguayan Bishops Send Sympathy To Catholics of Spain


Your Excellency, Most Re:ver- end M tropolitan, Most Rever- end Bishops, Right Reverend Monsignori, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers. On behalf of the Suffragan Bishops of the Province, who have kindly permitted me to speak in their name, with the Prelates, Priests and friends here present, may we felicitate Your Excellency, M o s t Reverend Archbishop, on this solemn oc- casion, fraught with such deep meaning even though your hu- mility has kept its celebration within the family circle? With heartfelt sentiments of joy and gratitude we pray God to bless Your Excellency, to grant you peace, the fruit of perfect uni- ty, and health ad multos annos. "The Lord hath been mindful of us and hath blessed us. He hath blessed all that fear the Lord: the least together with the greatest." (Ps. 113-20, 22.) PRESTIGE OF LOS ANGELES Today, with the loyal children of Holy Mother Church, we re- joice and thank God who has

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