Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

A ·cARY 6,


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Re\·. . Iichael J. O'Connor Named New Executive Sccn·– tary of CathoJic Welfare Bureau; Other Appoint– ments i\Iade Among Clergy. Re-organization of the local Bureau of Catholic '\Ve1- fare under direct ecclesiastical supervision was an– nounced early this week by the Most Reverend Bishop. ~he Rev. Michael J. O'Connor has been appointed execu– tive secretary of the bureau. The new Board of Direc- tors consist of His Excellency, th"!* __________ -- • Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty,' cial Service. Sister Ignatia and V.G.; Father O'Connor and the Sister Michaela, whose duties will president of the Cathedral branch be to visit the homes of the needy, of the St. Vincent de Paul society, investigate cases and report to tho Si,r Albert v. Mayrhofer. executive secretary. Father O'Connor's office is at Bayside Social Center, th~ 645 A street, old headquarters of Thrift Shop and other Catholic the bureau, and his assistants in settlements in the city will be em– the field will be two sisters of so- braced among the bureau's ac-

Five Hundred Delegates Addressed by Most Rev– erend Bishop at First Dis– trict Convention. RIVERSIDE.-Five hun– dred delegates of the Mexi– can Catholic Youth Organ– ization of Riverside and San Bernardino counties heard His Excellency stress the essential purposes of their organi- ' zation at the Pontifical Mass with 1 which their first regional conven– tion was opened last Sunday, Jan. 29, in the church of St. Francis ot Assisi here. The Bishop spoke in Spanish. A translation is as follows: "My dear young people: The purpose o! the Catholic Youth Organization is to strengthen and coordinate the ties that bind us all to our Holy Mother the Church, to enlighten and guide us, to provide whole– some food for the mind, to unify Catholic action and insure clean athletics and innocent recreation. "This large gathering from all parts of Riverside and San Ber– nardino counties speaks eloquent- ' ly of your fervent faith, your de– voted loyalty to a great cause, above all, your unfailing love for Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar. FEARLESS IN FAITH "Evidently you are not afraid to pr0fer:;. ~our faith in ,ction. 'T'11', 1 morning, with that sublime cour– age which has distinguished the glorious traditions of Mexico, you tell the whole world - renewing the undying Credo of your race– 'I believe in God, the Father Al– mighty'-'and believing have hope in His name.' " His Excellency then exhorted the delegates to be faithful unto death, reminding them of the promise of the Holy Ghost that such fidelity would insure for them the crown of everlasting life.

The Bishop paid tribute to the prudent and zealous guidance of the diocesan director of the C.Y.O., the Rev. Francis C. Ott, and warmly congratulated the region– al director of the Mexican branch, the Rev. Joseph Nunez, whose tire– less energy had made so success– ful the C.Y.O. amongst the Span– ish-speaking youth of San Ber– nardino and Riverside counties. His Excellency concluded his re– marks by citing the records of Catholic youth in Spain, Russia and Mexico, many of whom had won the crown of martyrdom. The various delegations from Riverside, San Bernardino, Coro– na, Ontario, Casa Blanca, Ban– ning, Redlands, Highgrove and Arlington presented an attractive appearance in uniform distin– guished by the banners of their respective groups and received Holy Communion from the Most Reverend Bishop. The new hall, in which break– fast was served to His Excellency and the delegates by the members of the parochial society of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus. was blessed by the Bishop after Mass. WELCOMES DELEGATES The Rev. Joseph Nunez, host to the convention, delivered an ad– dress of welcome at the special session at 11: 00 a.m., at which the officers and regional committee were installed and at which re– ports of the various activities, re– ligious, social and athletic, in their respective clubs were given by the delegates present. Speakers at this session were the Rev. John McHale, pastor of St. Thomas church, Arlington, whose C.Y.O. club of 300 members is the largest in the diocese; and the Rev. John Power, pastor of St. Francis' church, Elsinore, who announced his desire to make of his club an affiliate of the regional organiza– tion. At 3 :00 p.m., the clubs from Riverside and Ontario played basketball and Ontario's success by 27 to 22 places the club first in the regional league. Approximately 150 persons at– tended the banquet given at 6:00 p.m.. in honor of the Rev Francis C. Ott, diocesan director, and the Rev. Thomas McNamara, pastor of the Church of Mary, Star of the Sea, La Jolla. Both guests of honor and the regional president, Ray Reyes, spoke. After the ban– quet the delegates enjoyed a dance.

tivities. The bureau will thus be in a position to supervise and check constantly the work done at these centers. Directed for many years by Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, the bureau is au · agency of the local Communif v Chest from which it receives its funds for charitable and social work in the city and county of San Diego. OTHER APPOINTMENTS Other appointments announcrd this week by His Excellency arc; The Rev. John Power as pastor of St. Frances church, Elsinore: the Rev. James Gray as senior chaplain of Nazareth House and the Rev. E. M. Kelly, s J., as as– sistant to the Rev. Joseph NunP7., pastor of St. Francis of Assisi church, Riverside. Father Power will also attend lo three missions-Perris, Temecula and Alberhill-in the jurisdiction of St. Frances' church, Elsinore. Pe 1 -ris b• :-: a l'P""ntlv-renoy;citrcf church with a congregation of some 30 American and 15 Mexican families. The missions of Teme– cula and Alberhill are Mexican.




Another Catechetical Cen– ter has recently been estab– lished as the het:..dquarters of six Missionary Catechists of Victoryknoll in tJ1e home of Miss Katharine Salter. On– tario. The C&techists instruct in their religion the children of Our Lady of Guadalupe church, On– tario; St. Sophie Barrat, Upland; Our Lady of Mount Carmel church, Cucamonga, and San Se– condo d'Asti church, Guasti. Rooms, a chapel. and, in gen– eral, the use of the home have been generously and kindly ac– corded the religious teachers by the owner, Miss Salter.

Also dedicated by His Excel lency was the new catechetica hall of the Carmelite Sister of th Divine Heart of Jesus, after whicl luncheon was served and enter tainment provided by the Mexica: I grou s in the Sisters· care.

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