Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


BISHOP ..... Jr...,D . SSIST.L 1 T ...

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Final tribute to· His Holine~s, Pope Pius XI, ws paid b} the Diocese of San Diego at the Solemn High Requ'em Mass celebrated in St. Joseph's Cathedral Wednesday, February 15. Celebrating the Mass was His Excellency Bishop Charles F. Buddy, shown seated 011 the throne chair. At,, left are seated A. V. ,tl:ayrhofer, K.C.M.S., the Rev. Thomas Mcmara and at right is the Rev. P. A. Connolly.. -

CARD.· PACHLI RETURNS WORD Of GREETINGS · The following message was tele– graphed to Bishop Buddy by Car– dinal Pacelli in reply to a tele • gTam sent to Rome expressing the sympathy of the diocese by His Excellency, the Bishop: DEEPLY THANKFUL DEVOT- 1 ED MESSAGE, SYMPATHY ~ PRAYERS. CARDINAL PACELLI, CAMERLENGO. j The Most Reverend Bishop's telegram to Cardinal Pacelli reads as follows: DIOCESANS OFFER SYMPA– THY PRAYERS. BISHOP BUDDY.


POPE PIUS XI I Erection of the diocese of San Diego in the year 1925 WlJR lHflOTI'J the projects launched by the late Holy Father in his program of de– velopment, organization and ex– pansion of the Church in the United States. Pope Pius XI named the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy first Bishop of th?. new see.

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