Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

·-- FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1938


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His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, who will conduct a financia 1 dl"ive so that the urg~nt needs of this new Diocese may he adequately met.

The organization in charge of the Campaign consists of His Ex- cellency, Bishop Buddy, as Oen- erail Chairman, assisted by the four deans in their respective counties and clerical and lay com• mittees. The Very Rev. Vincent J. Shep- herd, V. F., will supervise the work of organization in the deanery of San Diego. The Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, V. F., will direct the com- mittees in the deanery of San Bernardino. The Very Rev. Petel Lynch, V. F., will conduct the Campaign in the deanery of Riv- erside. The Very Rev. Joseph V. Clarkin, V. F., will J:>e chairman of organization in ~perlal dean- ery. The Diocesan Consultors will form the Executive Committee. These are the Rt. Rev. John M. Hegarty, V. G., Very Reverends Frederick A. Wekenman, Laur- ence Fon-istal, Vincent J. Shep- herd, V. F., Patrick Dunne, V. F., Joseph V. Clarkin, V. F., Peter Lynch, V. F., Rev. John Rudden, Rev. David P. McAstocker, S. J. The Advisory Committee con- sists of the Parochial Consultors who are the Rev. Peter Connolly, Rev. Albert E. Dontanville, Rev. Thomas A. Matthews, Rev. Ed- ward F. Hannon, Rev. John A. Daley, O. S. A., Rev. Arthur LiP.• brenz, O. F. M., Rev. Damian Go- bea, A. R., Rev. J. A. Nunez, Rev. Thomas F. King, Rev. Vito Pilolla, Rev. Thomas Lehane. · The Lay Committee for the campaign will be announced at a later date. The Advanced Gifts Division consists of a group of priests with the Rt. Rev. John M. Hegarty, V. G., as Chairman. The Rev. Joseph G. Mesny of the Administrative Council will be Treasurer and the Rev. John B. Cotter of th e Administrative Council will be Executive Secre- tary of the Campaign organiza- tion. Director of Publicity is the. Rev. James P. O'Shea.

The program announced by His Excellwcy contains twelve points. Funds are needed: 1. To found a diocesan Home for the aged. 2. To establish a Hotel for working girls. 3. To enlarge the Orphanage at Banning so that congestion there may be relieved and t h e homeless children of the Diocese suitably housed. 4. To build homes for Cate- chists and Sisters who give reli- gious instruction to thousands of our Catholic children in public schoals. 5. To improve the living condi- tions of priests in our many poor missions and parishes. 6. To reclaim the children in the Diocese so far lost to the faith. For this purpose, additional religious tea-chers must be found and supported. 7. To construct a tubercular Sanitarium in Corona for patients of mode~te means. 8. To provide and support Chaplains for the County Hospi- tals in the Diocese . so that t h e sick and dying may have easy acces~, to all the comforts of re- ligion. 9. To promote a recreational program for the poor children and urchins of the streets a n d alleys. 10. To provide the Bishop with a home which need has so far been met by means of a loan. 11. To provide a Chancery of- fice and quarters for the Diocesan Curia in St. Joseph's hall, ar- ranged thus far with borrowed money. 12. To reduce parochial debts. One-fourth of the amount col- lected in each parish will be used to reduce its debt. Designated gifts, however, must be · employed for the purpose specified by the donors. People j,re free to donate for any one or more of the needs aforementioned.

A Home for the aged, a Sani- tarium for tubercular patients, ad- ditional accommodations for or- phans, reduction of parochial debts, convents for Catechists- are amongst the needs for which His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, will endeavor to find funds in a Campaign to be conducted throughout the Dio- cese next month. It is estimated that this pro- gram of development will not ex- ceed $200,000 in cost, and this amount His Excellency bas fixed as the Campaign's quota. Every cent contributed will be used for the purposes of the drive. There will be no professional pro- ·moters, no paid agents or solici- tors. The Campaign will be con- ducted J:>y the Bishop, his priests and. the diocesan lay committee for Catholic Action. One man has ah'eady agreed to defray all of the expenses inci- dent to the Campaign-the sal- aries of secretaries and stenogra- ph<'rs, postage, printing, circulars, etc. - 4-, :ina.11cial Drive will be pre.- ceded by a Spiritual Campaign of Prayers, Masses and Holy Com- munions, to invoke the blessing and assistance of Almighty God. The people of the Diocese and es- pecially the children will be asked to offer their spiritual activiti':ls for the success of the work. Pledges payable over a period of two years will be accepted.

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