Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

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Price 5 Cents

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I~., 'l ..e,-- ·.r . ~-ac-rt£ U Q Pt!oruri San Diego Pays

Final Tribute

To Holy Father APPEAL FOR PEACE 'l. great As Pope, said Msgr. HPgarty . man to lead his people in difficult "his first appeal to the world was times. He was born into a worla a call for the 'peace of Ch1·ist in of st rife, in order that he might the reign of Christ.' He knew be prepared for the strife. He wa& nothing but the justice of Christ born of th e poor in order that ht: would solve the difficulties of na- might love and defend them. H;e tioPs, and nothing but the love of was born wi th a great intellect. Cllnst would bring peace between wi th a great love for study, and capital and labor . . . his own with 4 o years of study in · l,ern judgment and study of tion for th e 17 in which he wa;:; called upon to lead the c!iildrefi of God a nd show them the light, from which he came. showed that of hope in one of the darkest pe- the great masses of the people, i.f riods of human history. Only enlightened, would mould human God can tell today whether the efforts to their will. So like victory has been won, if not we , Christ of old he took his stand can only pray th at Pius XI may with the masses; preached to and have th e hi~h reward of his fa ith educated the masses." and labors m heaven today, and Through his famous encyclicals, th at th e go?d God may send an- notably the encyclical. ''Recon- 0th er like hnn to lead his childr en struction of the Social Order," the I to peace a nd happiness." principles of which he repeated IN MOUR~"1NG aeain and again to pilgrims from j' 0 1 ct h . •t ct hi·m 11 e The Cathedral was draped in every an w o visi e . , . strove to better the lot of man- black a nd white crepe out. of re- . d spect for our Holv Father A km. · · FEARLESS DEFENDER large papal flag rested before St. The speaker then recallect th" Joseph's altar, while the Ameri- can flag waved in front of th" I ~--= as in ages past, God sent human history as well as his con- tact with the poor and the worker. ---<:


Followed a sketch of his life in school, in college, and in the great universities of Rome whence he graduated with the highest hon- ors; an account of his first ninP. years as priest and professor at Milan, during which the future Pope watched with keen eyes the Church ruled by the great Leo XIII who restored friendly rela- 1 tions with many of t_he Europ~an nations. and read with keen m- l terest the brilliant Leo's encycli- cals and saw England's hof1ti!C at- titude toward the Church changed to amicable relations out of ad- miration for the intrepid leader- I ship of the great Pope. Msgr. Hegarty called attention to the years devoted to serious studies by Msgr. Ratti as Prefeci of the Ambrosian LtlJrary at Milan and later Prefect of the Vatican Library-30 years in which he prepared, even as his Divine Mas- ter before him for the same pe- riod of time prepared, for hi -; great mission as head of the Church, years in which he ac- quired a thorough knowledge of every nation's historic, geograpluc, social and economic conditions. His appointment as Apostolic Visitor and Papal Nuncio to Po- land, said Monsignor, and his courageous and brillian.t achieve- ment there turned the attention ' of the Church upon him and sped l his flight to the throne of Peter. After a few short months as Car- 1 dinal-Archbishop of Milan, the Sacred College of Cardinals saw flt to elect him Pope after t he death of Benedict XV.


Final tribute was paid om·! late Holy Father by the clio- cese of San Diego at a Sol- emn Pontifical Mass of Re- quiem celebrated by the

CIVIC AND SERVICE OFFICIALS At the Pontifical Mass here UV.' city 'lf San Di<'

Navy by Admiral Sinclair Gannon, and the Marine Corps by MRjor Most Reverend Bishop in S t.•Jo- General McCarty Little and hi,; seph's Cathedral on Wednesday of aide, Captain Daley. this week in the presence of some Sir Albert V. Mayrhofer, ap- ' 40 priests, 100 members of t he pointed Knight of the Holy Sep- various sisterhoods, high officials ulchre by the late Pope Pius, as- of the city, Navy and the Marine sistcd in the sanctuary. corps. students from St. Augus- The throngs present listened tine's high school and the Acad- with hushed attention to the trib- emy of our La.dy of Peace, as well ute paid by the preacher of t he as a large concourse of people occasion, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. 1 from every corner of the city who John M. Hegarty, V.G., to our de- filled every available sea t and ceased Holy Father. place of vantage in the church. Msgr. Hegarty opened his dis- The body of Pope Pius XI, course with a historic account of wrapped in a crimson-lined. gold- the world's state at the birth of embroidered shroud and encased ' Achilles Ratti when Bismarck and in a triple coffin, was buried in r, the Kulturkampf persecuted the crypt beneath St. Peter's Basilica. German Church, when Ga1ibaldl Rome, when the Catholic Church had seized the papal states, when over which he ruled for 17 years relations between the Vatican and bade him her last solemn farewell France and England were strained in colorful ceremonies conduc ted and when a civil war harrassed by "the College of Cardinals on America. Tuesday of this week.

' wisdom of His Holiness instanced in the settlement of the Roman question, which settlement en- abled him to use modern scien- tific methcds. such as the radio. to teach and speak to. the world. enabled him to strike fearlessly at tyrannical persecutors of th~ Church. Msgr. Hegarty said in conclu- sion "that while we rejoice in the greatness and scholarship of th·• man and are thankful for hh leadership, we must still be sor- rowful because the poor and op- pressed of the world have lost onr of the most fearless champion~ they have had in many centurie&. "If labor will continue its strug- gle for better things, guided by the principles which he has laid down, the poor will surely come to the freedom and happiness which Christ intended for us all. If the oppressed and persecuted of every race and creed will continue their battle along the lines that he has laid down they too will undoubt- edly come into the freedom of th~ children of God. Theirs is the greatest loss in his death. Thus,

Blessed Virgin's altar. The Rev. John B Cotter was assistant priest at the Mass. Dea- cons of honor to His Excellency were the Rev. Thomas MrNanura and the Rev. Peter Connolly. The Rev. Damian Gobea, A.R., and tlw Rev. Edmund Austin. O.F.M. were deacon and subdeacon of th~ Mass. The Rev. Fathers Kenneth Stack, Michael O'Connor anct Thomas Earley acted as masters of ceremonies. The Rev. Father'; Leo Davis, George Rice. Terrence Gillespie, James McGinlcy ancl Michael Day \\·ere thurifers, aco- lytes and cross bearers. The priests' choir, under tlw direclion of the Rev. Francis C. Ott, sang the liturgical music of the Mass. A uniformed guard of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus escorted the Bi<;hop to the main altar. The clergy of the Cathec\1, l are particularly grateful to member.; of the Fire Dept. and to the man - , ager of Walker's Dept. Store. San Diego, for their kind cooperation in preparing the Cathedral for th1· ceremonies.

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