Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940




Diocese To .Build Mausoleum, Plan lnclu Chapel Con ·truction Started on Highest Knoll ~f Holy Cro s Cemetery; To Hold 400 Crypts; Interior of Marble; Romanesque Style Designed by Frank L. Hope, Jr.; John B. Sinner Awarded Building Contract.

®fftctal ~ppointmtnt~ + MJ J. O'C nnor, 8~ OCTOBER 9-Conference of C, tholic Charities, Richmond. Virginia. OCTOBER 11-. 'ew York. OCTOBER 12-14-Blshops' meeting, WMhington, D. C. OCTOBER 16-20-. 'ational Eucharistic Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana. OCTOBER 2-t-Golden Jubilee Regis College, Denver, Colo. Sermon. October 1, 1938 Official Appointments- ioeese of San Diego DIOCESAN CURIA The Rev.. lich el J. O'Connor- Vice-Chancellor, Auditor and Secretary of the Matrimonial Court. Th Rev. Kenneth G. Stack- Secretary to the Most Reverend Bishop. .,. PASTCRS l The Rev. Thomas Lehane- From Palm Sp1ings to St. Martin's Church. La Mesa. The Rev. l\lalachy O'Sullivan- From Needles to St. Rose of .ima Church. Chula Vista. The Rev. Daniel Ryan- From Point Loma to Star of the Sea Church, Oceanside. Tlae Rev. Thomas Kiernan- From Blythe to St. Anne's Ch rch, Needles. The Rev. Michael O'Connor- From Brawley to Our Lad; of Solitude Church. Palm Springs. The Rev. William F. Clavin- • Fi-om San Diego to St. Joan " Arc Church, Blythe. The Rev. William Van Garsse From Rive1side to st. Marg.a ·t Mary's Church, Brawley ADMINISTRATORS The Re". James P. O'Leary- From Casa Blanca to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, San Ysidro. The Rev. Patrick J. Quilligan- From San Diego to St. Marg r t Mary's Church, Trana. ASSISTANT PASTORS The Rev. Thomas Corcoran- From San Diego to Sacred Heart Church, Ocean Beach. The Rev. Joseph A. Boucher- From San Diego to Star of th<.' Sea Church, La Jolla. The Rev. John F. Hart- From San Diego to Blessed Sacrament Church, San Diego. The Rev. William Keaney- To St. Joseph's Cathedral, San Diego. The Rev. P. J. O'Malley- From San Diego to St. Bernardine's Church, San Ber~ nardino. The Rev. Dennis Barry, newly-ordained- To St. John's Church, San Diego. The Rev. James Gray, 'an Bernardino- To St. Didacus Church, San D•eiso. The Rev. Michael Da~·. ncw}y-01-dained- T St. Did Cl r.hll ·h. fian Die ,.,, The Rev. Hugh Gallagher, newtr-ordained- To St. Francis de Sales Church, Riverside. The Kev. Terrence Gillespie, newly-ordained- To st. John's Church, San Diego. The Rev. Henry Keane, newly-ordained- To Our Lady of the Sacred H£:art Church, East San Diego, The Rev. Michael Keane, newly-ordained- To St. Bernardine's Church, San Bernardino. The Rev. James McGinley- To Sacred Heart Church, Coronado. The Rev. Michael R. O'Donohoe, newly-ordained- To St. Agnes Church. Point Loma.


Plans for the immediate constructien of a mau o- 1 um, similar in style to a Romane·que church, v,;ith a tower 50 feet in height, a chapel of liturgi 1 dee ign and 400 crypts, were this week given final approval by His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy. The mausoleum will be built on ------------

or DIOCESE the highest knoll of Holy Cross Cemetery. Specifications call for concrete reinforced with steel in the con- The appointments of members struction of the entire structure- of the culia, pastors and assis- foundation, walls and roof. The tants published on this page be-1 ground underneath the foundation come effective Oct. 14. will be treated with oil, sand and Due to his capable work in the rock in order to stabilize the struc- offlce of secretary for the past ture and to protect both the foun- year, the Rev. Michael J. O'Con- dation and the superstructure nor has been promoted to the po- against earthquakes. The mauso- slti~n of vice chancellor, with ad- leum will be fire-proof, vermin- ditional duties as auditor and sec- proof and water-proof. retary of the Matrimonial Court. The roof will be finished in red The Rev. Kenneth G. Stack, or- ti:le, the walls adorned with art dained by His Excellency, Bishop glass windows and the floor will Charles F. Buddy, in St. Joseph's be of Terazzo made of colored ce- Cathedral Ap1il of this year, and ment and onyx chips. since that time assistant to the Interior of Marble

present time is architect for the new church of the messed Sacra- ment on El Cerrito dr., as well RS a number of publi<' schools. The work of construction. ocguu Wednesday of this week, wnr br: completed by February, 1933.

Vicar General, succeeds Father O'Connor as Bishop's secretary. Pastors promoted to larger par- ishes include the Rev. Thomas Le- hane, the Rev. Thomas Kiernan and the Rev. Michael O'Connor. The Rev. Daniel Ryan, for the past year vice chancellor, auditor and assistant to the Very Rev. Lau- rence Forristal at st. Agnes' Church, Point Loma, has been given charge of Mary, Star of the Sea parish, Oceanside. Two other senior assistants in the diocese, the Rev. William F. Clavin and the Rev. William Van Lr,H ', we!'e app\jj.ll!;ed to ,ht 01- flce of pastors. Administrators include the Rev. Joseph R. O'Leary and the Rev. Patrick J. Qullligan, the latter of whom has been assistant pastor of St. Didacus• Church, San Diego, for the past year. Amongst the newly-ordained priests who have come to this dio- cese from St. Patrick's College, Maynooth; All Hallows College, Dublin; St. Peter's. Wexford, and the Irish College, Rome, are three (Continued on page 4) TWO PA~ISHES TO BUI lO NEWH 1 llS

There will be seven crypts in each tier, each crypt faced with marble and each with its own sup- port and roof so that each will be a separate unit and will be indi- vidually ventilated. The altar in the chapel will be constructed of marble surmounted by a baldachino. Many of the crypts in this, the first and main unit of the mausoleum, which will be so built as to provide for ex- tension, are placed in the chapel. Daily Mass will be said there by the Bishop's secretary. The cc,ntructor rngaged by His :E.'!:ce!lency rs Jom, B. Sinne1, builder of many mausoleums in I California, among which are the Benbough Mortuary, here; An- gelus Abbey, Compton, one of the few buildings which sul'vived the havoc wrought by the earthquake in that city, and Melrose Abbey, Anaheim. Employ Union Labor All of the labor will be done by members of the A. F. of L., under the architectural supervision of Frank L. Hope, Jr., who has di- rected the construction of many churches and rectories in San Diego, amongst which are st. Patrick's and St. Didacus'

The Rev. Thomas O'Toole, newly-ordained- To Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Chino. CHAPLAINCIES The Rev. William J. Casey, San Diego- 3t. Bet·nardine's Hospital, San Bernardino. County Hospital, San Bernardino. State Hospital, Patton. The Rev. E. M. Kelly, S.J., Indio- Nazareth Home, Mission Valley, San Diego. The Rev. Dawson Byrne, Assistant Chaplain- Nazareth Home. Mission Valley, San Diego. The Rev. Charles N. Raley, Oceanside-- Little Flower Haven, La Mesa. The Rev. John lL Regan, .J., San Ysidro-

~ti~~e~~~eo;h;~:~a~~ie r;:;~~ I and the rectory in Immaculate Conception parish, North San


County Hospital, San Diego. Vauclain Home, San Diego.

Plans and speciflcatiens for two I Diego, the chapel in Bishop Bud- parochial halls in the diocese were dy"s home, the Carmelite Monas- approved by the Diocesan Build- tery, Hawley blvd., and who at the ing Commission last Friday. I

LEAVE OF ABSENCE The Rev. Francis Woodcutter. La Mesa, on account of Illness. The Rev. C. A. Kimmons, Chula Vista, on account of illness. APPOINTMENTS APPROVED Columban Fathers' Procure, San Diego- The Rev. John McFadden, Superior. Casa Blanca, St. Anthony's- The Rev. James Linehan. Naval Training Station, San Diego- The Rev. Raymond Drinan. Old Town, San Diego, Immaculate Conception Church- The Rev. Edward Austin, O.F.M.. Supelior. The Rev. Ignatius Ganster. O.F.M. By Order of the Most Rev. Bishop.

The Rev. Vito Pilolla, pastor ef Our Lady of the Rosary Church, I San Diego, stated upon approval , of the plans for his hall that the I work of construction will be un- dertaken immediately. Construction of the new hall for St. Brigid's Church, Riverside, will be begun in the near future, ac- cording ta the Rev. J. R. Nunez,

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