Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


2) The Bishop in turn will writ e a l e tt er to each p e rson on your ~ist, setting forth th~ purpose of th0 Drive, and asking either a cash offering or a pledge. Later you will receive a printed folder explaining the twelve-point program, and emphasizing its necessity. The executive committee in session at the Conference will gratefully wclcorn0 sug5estions~ 3) The Very R~vercnd Dean of each county is in charge of appointments for exchange of pulpits d-aring the Novena for adults. Tho Rtwerend M. J. O'Connor, Supt. of Schools, will write to you and the superior of your school, outlining plans for a Poster and Essay Contest among tho children, in both hiGh and grade schools. "Unless the. Lord Build the House .... ," 4) Tho Drive will be launched with a campaisn of prayer in honor of the Holy Ghost, and under thG patronage of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph, and the Little Flow0r. Please announce the child.rens 1 Novena for Sunday, February 20, to conclude Monday, February 28; the Novena for adults to bq;in Sunday, March 6, and conclude Monday, March 14 5) During the Novenas, the work of organization will be perfected in each parish under the direction of the Reverend Pastor. 6) To r.10.lce the Novenas, it is rc;quired to as3ist at Mass and rocoive Holy Con:mmnion on each of the nine days. During the Mass, the Novena prayers, consisting of the invocation of the Holy Ghost ("Come Holy Ghost ;r) the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, on0 "Our Father 11 , one "Hail Mary" and one Gloria, in honor of St. Joseph; and one "H.ail Mary" and one Gloria in honor of th0 Little Flower, are to be r~cited. 7) Starting Sunday, Feb. 20, the Oratio Imperata -"Pro quacumque necessitate'' (marked #12 in the new missals) should be included after the Orations of the Mass. 8) The evening Devotions comprise: Rosdry, 80rmon, Novena Prayers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament; 9) March 15, the acivanccd Gift Committee, the chairmanship of tho Rt, Rev. Monsignor Hegarty, and th0 general soliciting by each parish organization, will begin. Bespeaking your whole-hearted cooperation .for th:l.s cause so vital to the progress of religion in the Diocese, b0lieve me to be, with senti- ments of profound esteem and appreciation, Your devoted Servant in Christ, T fl/Lc1tf? . Bishop of San Dieg~ / P.S. Our Annual Priests' Retreat will start Easter Monday, April 18 and conclude Saturday, April 23.



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