Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

It is the duty of each and every Catholic to do his and her share to put the Bishop's drive over the top. The goal is not impossible, the task not overbearing and the outcome one which will bring the highest reward to those who shoulder the burden. Do not pro- crastinate-TODAY is the day to start the ball roling with succeed- ing days garnering added re~1.11!5- VOL. XXVI-N o. 43

toss "If you are lnltrested In 1:i.vh,11 the oul of the ))nor, then to It that every Indigent family In the parf h is provided with a Catholic newspaper and mag zlne - th c · g-reatest r arlty vou can do or on• 1 coura '-Archbishop lroland.

Price 5 Cents



I Public Ta HearA ims Of $200,000 Drive Over K.G.B. Sunday IMPERIAL DEANERY FINAL ME55AGE PLAN EXPLAINED rn MARK START Necessity Declared Evident or CAMPAl~N


Picked from the scores of 11osters submitted l)y Catholic Wgh School and Grammar School students in the San Diego Deanery are the six nrize winners shown. Top row: Sccontl prbe, grammar grades ; first prize, hlgh school division; first prize, grammar school. Lower row: Third and second prize winners, respectively, in the high school department, and third pri:r.e winner in the grammar school contest. If you have

P lml_y=g1ve plenty l.1Llle=:g1ve Ii tUe

Jack Monger. 7th G rade, and Roberta FawccLt, 7th G rade. both Sacred Heart School. Brawl y Third . Catherine Ytumalde, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Calexico.

BRAWLEY.-At a meeting of th e pastors of Imperial County Deaner y it was decided that each pastor would retain his own pulpit for the diocesan campaign. This plan was adopted because of the particular circumstances of dis-

IN lllOC[~[

Wi t h the clerical and Jay




committ ees

From the many posters submit-

ted the judge.s had difficulty in every pari h t o go about the

t b

f' ll

tancc and language obtaining in ' selecting the best. The children no special urging to do their share csted judges, fin al~y decided to I for t h e success of the drive be- grade the wm~ers 111 th e iollow- the Valley. :ahowed much originality in th Ir I gr~a T he people of the Deanery need ideas.


usmess O

A committee of disinter- paign next week; with the

people t ho:·oughly educated from pulpit, platform and

P.t . t , .



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DE STROY Cl"l,,.~U~~~-

First , J ames Austin, press as to Its nature, extent and second, Leroy Marriott, both of purpose; with everything in read- Sacred Heart, Brawley. Third, His Excellency, the Most plac1; was taken by the combln d Rev. Bishop Charles F. B uddy, will efforts of Brunilda Carillo and formally launch Lh c campnbm in Hotencia Ramirez, of Our Lady of _ _ __

cause the necessities of the Dio- mg o rd er.

cese are very apparent in Imperial County. There are upwards of 60.000 people living in Imperial Valley. There are six priests to attend to all these people. Two of the priests are living in their sacristies and two are living in two Catholic. schools. Sacred Heart School in Brawley is taugh by the Sisters of S t. Joseph of Oran ge. The four Sisters live in make-shift quar- ters in the school building. Our Lady of Guadalupe school in Cal- exico is tau gh t by the Sister Ser- vants of the Blessed Sacrament. There are eight Missiona ry Ca- techists for all the children not attending the Catholic schools. 1 The Catechists live in their nrw temporary houses. There arc onlv reach even an appreciable part of the children. At the parish meetings the peo- ple were enthusiastic in th eir sup- port of the Bish op 's plan . During the coming weeks the home of every Catholic in th e Valley will be approached by the corps of so- licitors who will h ave their prop er identifica tion cards with the seal of the diocese and signed by th e I Most Reverend Bish op an d t h e , pastor . Essay and Poster Cont.est I The youn g writers and artists of the dean ery were no less en thus- 1 iastic th an th eir paren ts. The essay contest evoked th e best ef- for ts of the boys and girls. They were examined by t h e j udges in San Diego and the order of mer it after the examination stood: F irst,

---------------• ------- -

i ern Show .Originality 1n Poster-Essay Contests


Guadalupe, Calexico.

8:30 P.M. lllshop Ch a r I cs I• rnnc,I 1 udrl ·' f)ufllnr of t i. I 't points trc s d In the dloc • san campail(n f or S200,00II ,viii be of 'Vital interest to Catholic. and non-Catholir alike. Sci your dial-. for 1hls San Diel(o tatlon at 8:30 p.m. Sunday. xr.n broad• <-asts on a wave lrngth of I 330 kilocycles with 1000 watts of power.

K IGHTCBU5A~ . 1 : lEAllER Will I SP[AK IN

guerite Churchill, eigh th grade, Our Lady of Peace Academy; a nd Rober t Coates. a fifth grade stu- dent at S t. Joseph's school.

Winners for the essay contest for the grammar school are Mary Lou ise Ma rtinez, sixth grade of Our Lady of Angels' school; Mar-

H is Excellency. Bishop Charles F . Buddy fo rmed an en thusiastic group of booslers for t he Little Flower D. ivc amon g the Catholic children f San Diego by the PO trr-c ~:w contest. according to rtpo1 t fr )m the various schools. Catholic homes were made cam- pa ign minded th r ough the child- ren's search for themes for the posters and essays. So many ex- celient ideas were represen ted by the en tra n ts· work that the judges exper ienced great difficulty in se- lecting t hose that sh ould merit rf'cognilion from the large n umber submillcd. a rran gement, colol'ing and workmansh ip wer e the points employed to grade the posters. Theme, origina lity, ideas. transitions , grammar , spelling :1nd punctuation were con sidered in r a ting th e essays. I n the San Diego dean ery, awards in the high sch ool classi-1 fications for both posters and themes were awarded students of Our Lady of P eace Acad emy, Ber- nadette Zook. a senior. Laura Delia Haas, a sophomore and Nancy Recd of the Junior class were awarded first, second and thir d places. respectively, in th e pos ter con test . Two seniors. P e_g- 1 gy Wiltse and Patricia Schmit t and a Junior, Padalo Whi tr. took the fir st three places in the essay con test. Our Lady of Angels paroch ial school garnered the first three places in the gramma r school pos- Lcr con test. awards goin g to Ma rk K . Melley, eighth grade: J ack Wa lters, sixth gra cle, and Daniel Mansir, fif th grade. Slogans. suilabilily. leg ibility, materia l. lettering, may try to enrich themselves at the expense of the unwary ' during the financial cam1>aign. Such victimization occurred re- cently in other diocesan drives. Pastors are asked to warn their ccngrcgations at all of the I Masses next Sunday that the ,Bishop's accredited solicitors ' will 1>resent letters signed by their respective pas tors. With- \ out these letters, solicitors are to be ignored unless they arc personally known to the people. The drive proper will not be launched until Monday, Ma1·ch WARNING GIVEN l Beware of racketeers who ,

CITY ---

®fftcial ~ppointmtnt~

a 20 minute radio udd1·css over Station KGB llus Sundny at 8 30 1 • and In t a dl'C'S II ,x- cellcnc • lldvis<'s that the 12 point~ of his progn1.m will b briefly dis- cu ..,d and explained. Talks in s ven forc1 n l:m gu- ages we1·e 11lvcn last Sund11y nti:h t upon the snmc subject over St.a- tlon KGB. The Very Rev. Laur- I cnce Forrl tnl, Chancellor, carried the Bishop's message to the Por- 1 tuguese of the Diocese m their native tonin.ic. The n.ev. V1l,1 I Pilolla explained th<' purpo o of Urn drive t.o the ltali1111 r·olonlr. of lhe four counLIP of th Dlocr:m in the lan guage of his homcla11rl. 1 The Rev. Damien Gobco A. R .. addresse d t he many Spanish and Mexican families In th e tongue or their fa t hers. The Germa n 1>eople of the Dlo- 1 cese wr•rr acquain ted wllh the dlo crsan movem rnt in lhc l1m guag•• \ of th eir fatherlan d b y the Rev. Francis Woodcu tt l'I', who ended 1 his 1·em,uks in the ::i• tr.r I ongu

home la dy. the generous _sift of a pious They have enrolled 1,500 \ SAN DIF.GO.-Expandlng 1 children In their classes. Their Knights' Cmsadc again st C number is entirely inadequate to munism. the local Coune1l of the

Micha.el J. O'C

l\lichacl Bruwuc,


SATURDAY, March 12-San Jad11to,

Pastor. 12:00 noon.

Arlington, St. Thomas' Church, llev. John l\1cHa.le, Pastor. 2:00 p.m.-Confirma.tion. SUNDAY, March 13-Palm Springs, Our L:uly of Solitude Church, Rev. Thomas L<'h:ine, r.u,tor.

8:00 a.m.-Mass. 10:00 a.m.-Mass.

i\ J.

Corona, St. Edward's Church , Hn'.

Byrne, Pastor. 2 :00 p.m.--Confirmation.

San Diego-Station KGB. 8: 30 p.m.-Radio Broadcast on Drive. MONDAY, March 14-Arlington, St. Thoma~• Ch11rd1, Rev. John MeHalc, Pastor. 12 :00 noon. TUESDAY, March 15- San Diego, Nazareth House, Rev. Wil- liam Casey, Chaplain. 4: 00 p.m.-ConJ'irmation. WEDNESDAY, March 16-Casa Bla nca, San Antonio's Church, Rev. John McFadden, Pas tor. 3:00 p.m.- Confirmation. Riverside, St. Francis de Sales Church, Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V .F ., Pastor. 5:00 p.m.--Confirmation. THURSDAY, Marc~ 17-San Diego, St. J'atrirk's Church, Re v. John A. Daley, O.S.A., Pastor. l O: 00 a.m.- Solemn Mass. SUNDAY, March 20-Chula Vista, St. Rose of Lima Church, Rev. C. A. Kimmom;, Pa stor. 10:30 a.m.- Mass followed IJy Confirmalion. Point Loma, S t. Agnes' Church , Ver y Rev. Laurence Forristal, Pastor. • 3:30 p.m.--Confirmation. · TUESDAY, March 22-San Diego, Nazareth JJ011sc, Rev. William Casey, Chaplain. 4: 00 p.m.-Confirma tion. SUNDAY, March 27--Coronado, Sacred Heart Church, Rev. John Rudden, Pastor. 8:00 a .m.-Mass. 10:30 a.m.-Mass, Bishop p residing, followed by Confir- mation. San Diego, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Rev. Owen Hannon, Pas tor. 7 :30 p,m.--Confirmation. TUESDAY, March 29-San Diego, Holy Rosary Church, Rev. Vito Pilolla, Pas tor. 7:30 p.m.-Closing of Forty Hours, His Excellency to give Benediction. SATURDAY, April 2-San Diego, St. Joseph's Caihcclral, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G., Pastor. 8:00 a.m.- Ordinations. SUNDAY, April 3- San Diego, St. Josc1>h's Cathedral, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G .. Pastor. 8:00 a.m.-C.Y.O. Mass and Communion Breakfast. San Luis Re~•. San Luis Rey Mission, Rev. Dominic GaUardo, O.F.M.. Pas tor. The Reverend Pastors who have automobiles registered in the name of the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego arc hereby directed to fo1-ward to the Chaneerr OITice the 1938 license numbers of these automobiles, 11'-----------~=-~~~==...,..-=='=':.====.c....'. 4: 00 p.m.- Blessing of Organ. 7: 00 p.m.-Actus Aeadcmicus.

Knights of Columbus wJll sponsor of Hungary. F renr h was t!l Jan- a lecture by the n oted orator Dr. guai::c of th e Rev. Ji'a U\er Fo1'l1cr George Hermann Derry of Detroit, to the Fren ch sp nkhHl nropl< of Michigan , Monday, M1uch 21. 8:fl!l the Diocese T o the ma n y •1ll- p, m. in th e Roosevelt ,Junior Hl!lb pinos in t.h ls part or Callfom ln, Sch ool, P ark Blvd . and Upas St, Lhe R(•v, James P . O'Sh cu, Editor J>R. G. H. DERRY T h e general public IS in vited to of 'l'hc Southr1n Cr • , rpoke In atten d this m eeting at which thcrt Tagnlog. r ecently dcelar <'d th e of- is no charge or collection by th fkiRI language of Lhc Phllippmc Gran d Kn ight and the memb r~ Commonwealth by Presiden t. Que- of the local council. wn The last speaker on last Suiday's rnd!o progrnm wa.s the Dr. Den y, em inent. scholar . orn• R v. l"athcr c nmill<', mcmb r of tor in seve n la n guugrs, wide! t li te Blnck Fran ctscans. Imm 8 • traveled in Amcn ca nnd EuroP ii\ I d Jo. •ph, M1ssou1 I who spot c au th or ity on social, pollt1cal an l h as been selected by the supreme dtr programs glv •n throu gh the Coun cil of th e Knights ot Colunh courtesy of St11Uon KG il, S11 11 D•· ' bus t.o answer the public ctcmnnd ego, m pr parallon for th e c 111 • for facts about radical socinl\Slll ~p_a_ig_n_.____________ in a ll its forms. The na tion -wide cam1,aii;n, m l econ omic .problems, outstanding Pollsb. , t·,ilk in E n"llah . t His Exccllowy s ., , educa to1 a nd college pres1ctcn · this Sunday, will comp) t,, l11 m-

which for some months en gaged, h as been rccc1v• rd enth usiastically by intrreStcd men and wom en regardlcSS of fhrir affiliation wit h the Fraurn- 1ty and has been adjudged nn Im• t. contribution to the pres- "l'""ltion of Anv•rican 1de:1J • h e has been

The Very Rev. Msgr. William A . Griffin, rector ot St. Michael's Church, Jersey City, and National Treasurer ot the Society for the Propagation ot the Faith, who has been named Titular Bishop ot l Sanavo and Auxiliary Bishop ot Newark. The Bishop-elect was formerly & professor al the Seton l,!a.lJ Hlll'h S<'.llool e,pa co11eg!-

t. d I ,:-mute

1> c 11 al ion has brl'n by Jli E ·t·cllrur , tlu

Jo t Re • Charle

I-'. Budd ',

from the lent.en laws or l'ust nd nb tlucnrc for ·1 .. J>nlril'k' oar, March 17, for th Dlocc e of an Diego.




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