Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


Is Gem Of Art ... ... Bishop's Chapel Finished, Consecration Is Held The dedication of Bishop I The Chapel was made possible j contains an elegant figure of the B1•orly's Ch11pe . tbe erectinn of its · " the donation:. of J)as+ors 2·-.r' Incarnate Word. Tbe main win- Stations of the Cross, the blessing their parishioners, of certain re- dow in the Transcept has a repro- of the vestments and other appur- ligious · institutions, certain Dio- duction of Murillo's "Madonna of tances and equipment took place cesan organizations, and friends. the Immaculate Conception." Wednesday, Dec. 22. The Chapel The Altar was installed by the The other windows in the dome was privately consecrated by His Southwest Onyx & Marble Co., contain figures of the Holy Ghost Excellency. attended by Rev. M. the roofing by the Asbestos Prod- and St. Joseph at one side, St. J. O'Connor and the Rev. William ucts Co., the plumbing and heat- Ann and St. Francis of Assisi at r Casey, Thursday, December 23, at ing by Carl Schaniel, tile work by the other. There are three small- j 6:30 P, m. the San Diego Tile Co., lathing er windows at each side of the The Chapel is a gem of artistic and plastering by George Thomp- Chancel, one on the south expos- excellence. The Altar of white son, the millwork by the Patten- ure contains the Coat of Arms of marble trimmed with onyx pilas- Blinn Lumber Co., the lumber by the Holy Father, flanked by win- ters, modest and simple of appear- the Western Lumber Co., the dows with the Coats of Arms of ance, rich, withal, in its material hardware by the Hazzard-Gould the Apostolic pelegate, and the and in the episcopal purple of its Co., plumbing fixtures and heating Metropolitan Archbishop of the dossal-decorated background; the equipment by the Crane co., the Province. On the north exposure Stations of the Cross finely and electrical fixtures by the Ash are three windows with the Coat delicately done by the artist on Company, the sheet metal work of Arms of the first Bishop of San sheets of copper set in the walls and electrical work by local com- Diego flanked by two windows of and illumined by a recessed tubu- panies. Much of the equipment impersonal designs reserved for Jar line of light; the symbolic de- and furnrshings were provided by future Bishops of San Diego. signs in gold-leaf on the four the Benbough Furniture Store and The decorations were done by arches about the Altar and on the Marston Company. two local artists: Serafino Ricco the beamed roof- the golden wheat The pews were donated by the and his assistant. and the purple grape suggestive California Chmch Furniture Co., The double aoors that lead to of the Blessed Sacrament - the Los Angeles. A feature about the the Chapel from the -VeSltibule harmonious blend of color thrown kneelers is the finish in rubber and to the sacristy from the Altar 1 into bold relief and canied cemented to the wood and cov- are made of mahogany and are 1 throughout the Chapel in the ered with leatherette. (Continued on page 2) Episcopal purple of the carpet- The Stations of the Cross were -Column Seven-

Loca I Companies Construct Bishop's Chapel in Home and stability, as. indeed, is everything about the Chapel. The tile on the bases of the niches and windowsills is of a col- or specialy selected to blend with the scheme of the ensemble. The structural significance of the roof and the artistio finish thereon recall the style of the Old Missions. The four canonical candlesticks and four vases on the Altar, and the Sanctuary Lamp are of plain Tudor design finished in gold to correspond to the Tabernacle. The relics in the Crosses on the Altar are of st: Matthew, the Apostle. St. Flora, and the "Mar- tyres Treverunsium." These were received from Rome through the courtesy of the Rev. Ignatius De La Foster. Apostolic Notary, who also altested their genuineness. A relic of SL. Thomas is placed in the Altar stone. The Cross. which is suspende

covered floor and the faintly sub- painted in Paris by the Schmalz! dued tone of the wood-work in the Co., and imported by the Daprato roof and panelled doors; the art Statuary Co. glass winows with their appropri- The glass for t he windows was ate and significant designs-all imported and the artistic work these impress the visitor not only on them designed and done here with the liturgical exactness but in San Diego by the Wieland Stu- simple elegance and sustained en- dios. I 1 ~~:~::.:~••.:~•. • :~:I:: .·•··•· t ·•··•··•··•··•··•·-•~~~•- -•=~=~~~:....~~-•-•~~:... ::~~i~~l:


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