Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

tack were t:-ea ea to a r cepuon in the parochial hall whic~1 up- ,ards of 300 p"ople a tPnded. Ap- propriate g,fts were p1 nted t-o them by their rclath· ., and friends. A m c.'ll -program was rti en for their entertalnmrnt at hich Mr;; ~ndrew Cnnet>a sang ,i;o appropriate numbers. Mr F'dward Ghio and Miss Jeanette \'a nden Akk:er spoke m behnlf of the men ancl women of St. Anne's parish of which the young pr!cst,s wen: fQrmer members. An ad- dress appropriate to the occ, sion was -also delivered by the pastor the Re1i. Jobu Purcell. hi..s home in Riverside where Sunday he celebrated Solemn High Mass and was similarly feted by his friends. Father Rice returned to

acriflce of the Mass ·as con- ferred when the candidates knelt touched thP chahce, pa n ith thelr hands. whil t the Bishop s ·d, "Take thou the •1- thor1ty to offer sacrifice lo C d Jiving and the dead. The Bi ·hop then continued to read the Mass and was j oined at the prayer. "Receive . O Holy Father," by the newly ordained who recited word for word with him the remainder of the Mass. After the Agnus Dei, the Bishop gave the 'Kiss of Peace to the young priests, administered Holy Communion to them, and recei\'ed heir profe sion of the Faith they are to preach when they n :cHed for him the Apostles' Creed. nd to -c.el te Ma both f9J· ' e the head of each one of the new I priests as they knelt before him, I sayin at the same time...Rerei\'e the Holy Ghost. WUO$C sins YOU shall forgi\'e, they are forgiven them. and whose sins you shall re tain , they are retained." The promise of reverence and obedience given by the new priests to · their Bishop as he held the hands of each between his own, ' and the prayer by which the BiShop blessed the newly ordained. together . with the final exhorta- tion. brought to a close the rite of . ordination. Many Priests Present Priests present were Rt. Rev. ! John M. Hegarty. V.G., Revs. Ray- m~nd Layton, o.s.B., San Diego; l Peter A. Connolly, Ocean Beach; Stephen Kiley, Downey; Charles Forsythe Q.$.B.. and John Pm- r d host of the Bishop and




All three were granted a vaca- tion by His Excellency and will 1 The power to forgive sins was return to San Diego, Wedne~day Forgive Sins ; bestowed when the Bishop, seated th f leis . next. when they will receive their on e a tool before the nuddle first appointm nt fr O m th of the Altar, laid both hands upon Bishop. e s e

I ~

Tht> ficst ordination to the priesthood in the Diocese of San Diego was held last Saturday in st Joseph's Cathedral. with Bishop Buddy officiating. Shown with Bishop Buddy above immediately afte; the ceremony are the young priests, left to right, the Rev. George Rice, Bishop Buddy, the Rev. Ken- neth Stack and the Rev. I.ieo Davis. SPfRITUAL Gfff THAEEORDAINrn·uiacESE NEARING GIVfN BISHOP · AT RITES IN URIVE QUOTA.

1 SPIRITUAL GIFT GIVEN BISHOP BY C.Y.O. I r("ontin11,..·,1 'r,·om ""n'"('- 1 , I PASSION SUNDA y ~ APRIL 1938. ' 3 • The youn(l" people'~ 'devotedness j and affection WPre fullv recipro- ' cated when Bishoo Buddy, in re-- sponse, spoke touchingly of their rapid ~rowth as an organization, I of then- value to .the . Church of the future and promiszd that, with their cooperation, a gym- nasmm for recrea •ion in . their hours of leisure would soon be provided by the Diocese in San Diego. A highlight of the day's events wa.s the presence at the breakfast. of Will"am Lane, cwner of the "~adres", who also addressed the delegates and invited them to wit- ners, as h,is guest'-', Ms "Padres" in, ac t iJ'inite arrangements.

~, ,!~,!~P~~:I,Uon of the drive in many other parishes this week, brings the Diocese nearer to the quota of reported

An exp,!~nC}:~:teem and appreciation in which the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy is held by the young people of lhe diocE'se, was given last Sunday when ,oo members of the Catholic Youth Organization. among whom were



From the Rev. Albert Dontan-

Before their families. relatives ville, Pastor of St. Joseph's delegations from such far distant a nd huu d reds of frie nd s who filled Church, Ontario, His Excellency, points as Riverside, Casa Blanca every available seat in St. Joseph's the Most Rev. Bishop Charles F. and El Centro. attended Mass at Ca t lledral, th e Rev. Leo Davis Buddy, received today the follow- st. Joseph's cathedral for th: ir Rev. Kenneth Stack and the Rev. ing telegram: annual C/;llrununi<,m jllld 1 "l" George M . Rice were raised to the His Excellency as honored guest digmty 01 the priesthood by His for breakfast al, the U. S. Grant Excellency, Bishop Charles F. hotel, where they presented him Buddy, last Saturday at 8 a.m. with a spiritual bouquet. The impressive rite of orctina- It reads as follows: Uon was opened when at the 'lract of the Mass, the Bishop, Little Piower Pund quota over the top. Still going strong. (Signed> Rev. Albert Dontanville. His Excellency's reply reads:



. Cordial Congratulations. Re- Joice with you and your de- voted people. Blessing all most gratefully.

SPIRITUAL BOUQUET r TO OUR BELOVED BISHOP Altar, received the candidates for CHARLES FRANCIS BUDDY, the priesthood who were present- D.D, WHOM A KINDLY PROV!- ed by the Archdeacon in the • TO RULE WITH A WISDOM holy Mother the Church Catholic , SURPASSED ONLY BY CHAR- , prays that, you would ordain these '!TY. WE. 'IHE CATHOLIC Deacons l1ere present lo the I Cath YOUTH ORGANIZATION 01'' charge of the Priesthood." After (abo:rHE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO. the Archdeacon attested their 1\-lauc ON THIS FIRST .ANNIVERSARY worthiness, the Bishop read an ex- •-OF THE DAY WHEN WE FIRST hortation anent the faithful per- MET AT OUR LORD'S BANQUET formance of the duties of their TABLE. PRE!:>ENT OUR· HOLY new office-the duties to offer COMMUNIONS A THOUSAND sacrifice, preach, teach, baptize, STRONG. etc.-and to that end prayed upon seated on lhc faldstool before the DENCE HAS PLACED OVER US words, "Most Reverend Father,


Charles F. Buddy. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.O., also reports that the Cathedral's quota will be reached when every parishioner's pledge is secured. while word from the Rev. John A. Daley, O.S A.. Pastor of St. Patrick's Church here, also indicates that the drive there has been markedly success- ful. The quota of $2,500 assigned to St. Ed ,vard's Church, Corona, be- came $4,647 by the time the drive was completed in the Rev. Michael Byrne's parish. This is the cor- rection of an enor 'Which ap- peared in last week's issue and which was to the effect that the amount raised was only $3,700. The Rev. John Purcell, Pastor of St. Anne's Church here, also has sent word that the drive in his parish has been successful, whilst the same word has been re- ceived from the Rev. John Regan, S.J., Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, San Ysidro, and the Rev. John McDonagh, Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Church, Vic- torville. Due to the hindrances caused by the floods in certain sections of the Diocese the time for the work of the Cf.lmpaign there has been extended indefinitely by His Ex- cellency.



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