
r An Official Publication of the Maine Snowmobile Association Snowmobile Maine 2022-2023 r r





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MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 United we trail, divided we fail www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com



Snowmobile the Northern Region Page 22

Snowmobile Maine Page 4

Snowmobile the Eastern Region Page 24

Snowmobile the Central Region Page 21

Snowmobile The Western Region Page 23

CHANDLER FARMS INC www.chandlerfarms.com 207-764-5228 • 1089 State Road, Mapleton, Maine (O ITS 88)

Ferocious acceleration & effortless control The Indy VR1 delivers ferocious acceleration, effortless control and intelligent technology on the all-new rider-first Matryx platform —unlocking the next dimension in dominating trail performance and technology.

Join the MSA & the Club of Your Choice Select the MSA-affiliated snowmobile club that you would like to support by selecting one from page 14 & 15 , then fill out this membership form. Enclose your check for $30 or enter your credit card info and mail to: MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. If you’re paying by credit card you can fax the form to 207-622-7669. $15 of your dues supports your local club; $15 supports the state association. The club is credited for your membership, and an MSA decal is sent to you. Your subscription to the MSA newspaper, the Maine Snowmobiler, begins with the issue following receipt of your membership. Season runs from October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022 CLUB SELECTED ________________________________________________________________________ MEMBER NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE ________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/TOWN ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________ TEL _____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ___________ ___________ IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CIRCLE ONE: VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARDHOLDER NAME ______________________________________ TEL __________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOUNT NUMBER _____________________________ EXPIRATION _____________ CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ TOTAL # OF PEOPLE IN FAMILY MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 • 207-622-6983 • Fax: 207-622-7669 • www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com

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The Maine Snowmobile Association Our Mission By Alan Swett, MSA President

rofit volunteer orga he MSA is the state t continues to grow. tments to benefit the

to protect and serve its members. We are a non-p e safe, successful, and a worldwide destination. T d the MSA in 1968. 54 years later this non-profi g with the state legislators and other state depar

The Maine Snowmobile Association has a mission nization dedicated to make snowmobiling in Main voice for Maine Snowmobiling. Six people starte We offer clubs the sense of security while workin best interest of the clubs. We offer safety training and signage, and work The MSA is involved directly with the clubs to p throughout the state. Landowners are thankful that we protect and tak out for litter, and deterring off trail riding and lo trails. We have a full-time office person to assist with d calls from the general public to give them inform tees from Kittery to Fort Kent. They meet throu Our largest fundraiser is the Super Raffle. The M the event, and secures the prizes (thru purchas club that chooses to sell the raffle tickets keep ha chooses. Only the amount due to MSA needs to tickets have been proven to be an easy sell! If you like a little friendly competition, another f open teams, snowmobile clubs can compete for th is included as part of our annual banquet). These part of our popular wall calendar. The photo of t Posters/Banners. Wouldn’t it be fun to have bra Every year our annual banquet honors volunteer a great way to meet some like-minded people and

closely with the State of Maine for groomer o perator certification. articipate in signage and trail guidance so that we have consistency

safety check, looking and preserving the

e pride in the trails with dedicated maintenance, ud sleds. We are directly involved in maintaining

eeds to go, and field dvisory trail commit

ay-to-day issues, funnel information to where it n ation and guidance. We have members on state a ghout the year to discuss trail and landowner sit


SA prints the raffle tickets, posters, banners, doe es and donations). While the MSA picks up the c lf of the money raised. These funds can then be u sed however the club be sent in, the rest is immediately available for c lub use. These raffle s the advertising for ost of the event, any undraiser that we do is an annual Golf Scramble . Along with the e coveted Club Cup. We also have a Photo of the Year award (which photos are collected and we choose the best of t he best to become he year also becomes part of the ITS Trails Map, and Super Raffle

gging rights?

an attend and it is make friends, and

s and clubs with plaques and trophies. Anyone c share stories of successes and possibly failures,

have some fun! Some of the categories of awards are: • Snowmobiler of the year

• Club of the year • Groomer of the year

• Photo of the year

Business of the Year

• Youth Snowmobiler of the Year • Supporting

• Hall of Fame inductee



All the above awards are chosen from nominees that the clubs and club members submit. In March of each year com mittees get together to review the nominations to see who BEST represents that award. We are so grateful that we have such dedicated and resourceful volunteers within the clubs. It is an honor to be able to share their stories with everyone. Maine Snowmobile Association members have access to the seasonal Maine Snowmobiler paper. This paper commu nicates stories from other clubs, gives information on what may be happening, gives you updates from the Regional Directors, includes a calendar of events and trainings, and lists the supporting businesses. We also have a Facebook presence that can be used by your club to highlight an upcoming event. Let us know what is happening. We can post it and get a large audience for you. Don’t have an event but have a remarkable story? Let us know that too! We are happy to share. We create the Snowmobile Maine Guide and the ITS Trail map. All of these are distributed throughout the state. Maine Tourism Association helps us to distribute these items therefore promoting our sport and supporting tourism in your areas. We have contracted with Polaris Ride Command and Bombardier Recreational Products Inc for a more rider friendly experience. More and more, riders are looking for GPS programs that help them navigate thru the trails. While our old website is still operational, we have created a new, and more interactive website (mainesnomobileassoica tion.com) we are currently migrating all information to this site. When clubs are updating their trail conditions, why not send them to us as well. The MSA office gets calls all the time asking what the trail conditions are in all parts of the state. The more information you send us, the more we can send these enthusiasts your way!! If you have a special event going on, perhaps a fundraising event, let us post it on the calendar within the website. We also have the Maine Snowmobile Show in October. The event is attended by thousands of people from all over, not just Maine. Take the opportunity for your club to rent a spot and promote your area, tell them why your area has the best snowmobiling has to offer! Meet new businesses and suppliers. Create new connections. Let’s not forget our Scholarship! Every year our scholarship committee gets together to honor our youth by making it just a little easier to further their education. Some of these applicants have amazing stories and our future seems so bright when we are going through these applications. Promote the scholarship program withing your club. I am sure the parents of the students would appreciate a little help. Remember that there is a two year minimum membership to the MSA requirement to qualify. Our membership is over 280 clubs strong which covers over 14,000 miles of trails. While we do collect dues of $15.00 per member, much of that goes back to you by way of promoting tourism, the sport of snowmobiling, and keeping the trails safe and up to date, keeping you informed, and working with the state agencies and legislators. Please let us know how we can help you. We are volunteers too, many of us in clubs that may face the same challenges and concerns. With all of us working together, we truly can make and keep Maine THE SNOWMOBILE DESTINATION OF CHOICE.



Snowmobile Maine Snowmobile Maine

A Maine vacation. For many people it’s filled with losters and lighthouses, summer sun and sandy beaches, campsites and hiking boots, sailboats and seaside picnics. That’s fine, for some. But for thousands and thousands of visitors and staycationers, a realMainevacationneeds snow. Lotsof snow- rolled, packed and groomed to fill 14,000+ miles of winter trail leading from town to town, deep into the north woods, downeast, around western lakes, over frozen fields, meandering through the wintry countryside across the state. Over 80,000 people toured those Maine snowtrails last winter, exploring every corner of the state, by snowmobile.

discover the beautiful, frozen locations found along the trail - and to be honest, some sledheads just enjoy piling up the miles. As they ride, they’ll discover businesses and welcoming communities waiting to serve snowmobilers, MSA clubs maintaining the trails, and a schedule of festivals, public suppers, races, and club events to entertain snowmobilers all winter long. What snowy corner of Maine would you like to explore? Snowmobile Maine. Ride Right. Enjoy. Maine’s Trail System TheMaine snowmobile trail system consists of over 14,000 miles of mapped trails, including several thousand miles designated as the Interconnected Trail System (ITS). The ITS trails interconnect to form a snow covered ‘highway’ which traverses the state. Given statewide snow cover, a rider could head out from nearly any point on the ITS, and ride to any other location in Maine that is reached by the system. Snowmobilers can plan extended trips, sledding from region to region, staying in a different location each night - or set up base in one location and use the ITS to day trip to other areas. The ITS is numbered, marked and regularly maintained. The system is inspected annually by the members of the MSA Trails Committee under contract with the Snowmobile Program of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry (DACF). An updated map of the ITS system is produced jointly by the MSA and DACF, and is available in the fall for the upcoming snowmobile season. Use the ITS map to make your long distance riding plans. Trail junctions are printed on the map - the distance between the trail junctions is noted by numbers printed along the path of the trail. Adding up total mileage between junctions along a route will result in an approximation of trip length. 10,000+ miles of local trails can provide a slower paced style of riding and allow sledders to really explore a snowmobiling region. Many of these trails also connect with the ITS. Some local trails were established decades ago, as snowmobile club members began to design a way for riders in their area to visit their

As soon as the snow thickly blankets the ground and MSA clubs begin grooming the white ribbon, the snowmobilers head

out. Some ride to spend quality time outdoors with family and friends - s o m e r i d e t o

Photo by Joseph Bizeau - 2022 Photo Contest Winner



neighbors, or access the gas station or the village store. As these local systems developed and interest in recreational snowmobiling grew, more trails were added to provide ‘loop’ rides or access to scenic destinations. Snowmobile clubs, Chambers of Commerce and tourism groups produce maps of much of the 10,000+ miles of trail not included on the ITS map. These maps of regional or local systems are more detailed than the ITS map, due to scale. See pages 16-18 of this publication for a listing of local and regional maps. Instructions for obtaining copies of these maps are also listed on the back of the ITS map and posted on the MSA web site, www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com . Safety First Observing a few simple safety rules can help to keep you and the members of your riding party safe on the trails. 1. Keep to the right hand side of the trail, especially on a curve or rise. 2. Never operate a snowmobile while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 3. Travel at a reasonable rate of speed for the conditions. 4. Ride defensively. 5. Learn and use snowmobiling hand signals. 6. Be absolutely certain of ice thickness if you choose to ride on a frozen body of water. 7. Yield to all grooming equipment. Groomers may be out on the trails at any time of the day or night and may take up to the full width of the trail. 8. Wear a good helmet and appropriate clothing, and carry maps and maintenance, survival and first aid supplies. Many people have a cell phone with them

Please stay on marked trails

- a good idea. Just be aware that there are many sections of trail with no cell reception; riders should be prepared to handle any situation that may arise. 9. Leave an itinerary of your ride with a responsible person and notify them of any changes or delays. Although the search and rescue skills of the Maine Warden Service are invaluable in a true emergency, there is no need to call the professionals out on a cold night to hunt for missing riders who aren’t missing at all - just in a different location than originally planned. You can print a simple itinerary form at www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com . Find it the Ride Right In Maine section under the Maine drop-down Menu.

j Snowmobile Registration Maine resident registration renewals and non-resident registrations are available for purchase online at the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife web site, www.maine.gov/ifw/. Registrations are also available through dozens of registration agents. A list of agents can be found on the IF&W web site. Resident: $56/Season (7/1-6/30). Non-Resident: $120/Season (7/1-6/30), $100/10 consecutive days, $75/3-consecutive days. Questions? Contact IF&W Licensing and Registration Division, 41 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333; 207-287-8000. j Maine Snowmobile Law Handbook Posted on the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife web site, www.maine.gov/ifw/ . j Trail Fund Donation Sticker Support Maine’s snowmobile trails with your voluntary donation to the state trail fund. Trail fund donation stickers at three donor levels ($25, $50, $100) are available when you register your sled. The donation program, which is separate from the registration requirements, is a way to show how much you appreciate Maine snowmobile trail development and maintenance efforts. j Trail Condition Reports Trail condition reports can be found on the MSA web site www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com , updated most weekdays during the trail grooming season. Reports are voluntary observations of MSA members, not a guarantee of current conditions. MSA members - trailmasters, groomer operators, club officers, trail riders, supporting business owners - are all welcome to sub mit reports to: www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com . Please include your name and the name of your snowmobile club.



Snowmobile Trail Signage A sample of some standard signage used on the trails.

Caution-Slow down for a present or upcoming trail hazard

The MSA encourages all snowmobilers to take a snowmobile safety course. Con tact the Recreational Safety Office at the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wild life for information (207-287-5220) or check the schedule of courses that IF&W posts online at maine.gov/ifw/ . Snowmobile Registration Maine’s trail system is partially funded through a sled registration system. All rid ers, resident and non-resident, need to register their sleds in Maine to ride on the trails. Residents of Maine register at an annual fee of $56 per season. Non-resident registration is $120 for a full season, $100 for 10 consecutive days or $75 for 3 consecutive days. (Plus a small agent fee). There is no trail pass or club member ship requirement. The MSA strongly encourages all who ride in Maine to support an MSA club through their membership. A portion of the registration fee is used by the Snowmobile Program of the Maine Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to administer and fulfill grants that reimburse snowmobile clubs for some of their trail maintenance expenses. A portion is credited to a fund to assist in the purchase of grooming equipment. A portion is used for law enforcement and safety education expenses of the Maine Warden Service. In the case of Maine residents, a percentage of their registration fee also goes to their municipality. In many cases the municipalities return those funds to the local snowmobile club to assist with trail maintenance expenses. Resident renewals and non-resident registrations can be purchased online on the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries &Wildlife website, www.maine.gov/ifw/ . Regis trations can also be purchased through registration agents. A list of agents is posted on the IF&W site. Most are located in Maine; there are a few in New Hampshire and Vermont. If you need more information about the registration process, contact the IF&W Licensing and Registration Division, 41 State House Station, Augusta

Stop-Come to a complete stop before proceeding

Object Marker-Be alert to fixed object beside the trail, narrowing passage

Stop Ahead-Prepare for an upcoming stop sign

Directional arrow-Be prepared for a change in trail direction

ME 04333; 207-287-8000. Snowmobile Law

Before heading out on the trail system you should go over the snowmobile law handbook. It’s posted on the website of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, at maine.gov/ifw/ . Print a copy to have on hand. Here’s a little basic info to get you started:

Trail Blaze - Consistent marking of designated snowmobile trail



A driver’s license is not required to operate a snowmobile. Liability insurance is not required by law; the MSA en courages riders to have coverage. MSA and snowmobile club membership is not mandatory; such support is welcome and appreciated. There is no speed limit on the snowmobile trails. Riders need to maintain reasonable and prudent speed for the cur rent conditions, taking the weather, trail conditions, trail traffic, operator skill level and other contributing factors into account. You may see a speed limit sign posted by a club or community, generally to protect trail access or for safety considerations. Please observe these locally posted limits.

You do not have the right to operate your snowmobile on someone else’s land if permission for access has not been granted. There are many places where it is just plain illegal to operate a snowmobile in Maine: in cemeteries, near hospitals and churches, too close to private homes, on public sidewalks, etc... Riding is only allowed on power lines and utility corridors if there is an authorized snow mobile trail. Those trails will be marked and appear on a snowmobile trail map. Riding on railroad track rights of way is illegal, the exception would be an authorized trail crossing. Visit the Operation Lifesaver web site, oli.org , for more information.

For Emergency Assistance: To reach a Maine Game Warden 24 hours/day contact the dispatch center nearest you:

j Safety Courses Snowmobile Safety courses are offered by the Recreational Safety Office of the Maine

HOULTON.................1-800-924-2261 BANGOR...................1-800-432-7381 AUGUSTA.................1-800-452-4664 GRAY.........................1-800-228-0857

Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: 207-287-5220. A list of their upcoming courses is maintained by IF&W at www.maine.gov/ifw .

j Reporting an Accident If you are involved in, witness to, or made aware of a snowmobile accident resulting in injury to another person, you must make yourself known, render aid to the best of your ability and report the accident by the quickest means possible. All accidents re sulting in a death or injuries requiring a physician must be reported to law enforcement by the quickest means possible. Proper ty damage accidents ($1,000 or more) must be reported within 72 hours using a form provided by IF&W, at www.maine.gov/ifw/ .



Finally, in light of terrorism, illegal entry, human traffick ing, and drug smuggling concerns, it’s a poor idea to ride the border slash between the US and Canada. Keep it simple, stick with the marked and groomed snow mobile trails, where landowner permission has already been granted, signs posted and reasonable efforts made to keep the trail free of hazards. Younger operators Younger operators are not legally required to take a safety course before operating a snowmobile in Maine. The MSA strongly encourages that they do so. Be aware that anyone who allows a person under 18 to operate a snowmobile is jointly liable with the minor’s parent or guardian for any resultant damages. All snowmobilers under the age of 18 (operator or pas senger) must wear a helmet. Children under the age of ten who are operating a sled must be accompanied by an adult (under visual-voice control), unless they are riding on their parents’ property with their parents’ permission. Children under the age of 14 may not cross a road maintained for travel while operating a snowmobile. An older operator must cross the sled for them. Operating a snowmobile requires some maturity, skill and strength. Many Maine kids have ridden graduated size snowmobiles since they could manipulate the controls of a mini sled. They become competent operators at a fairly young age, instructed in the rules and ethics of snowmo biling by their parents and grandparents. Children who haven’t benefited from such experience should not be al lowed to operate a snowmobile without training and adult supervision.

Where’s the snow? The MSA maintains trail condition reports on line at www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com , updated weekdays during the snowmobiling season. Along with reports vol untarily submitted by club trailmasters, groomers, riders and business members, the site has a number of links to other trail report pages maintained by clubs and businesses throughout Maine. The trail report page was originally cre ated as a courtesy to riders, and continues in that spirit. It was quite a novelty at the time it first appeared on the scene many years ago; now there are numerous internet sources for winter trails information. Reports should not be considered a guarantee of conditions, as conditions can change rapidly. If you have trouble finding a report from the area where you plan to ride, try contacting the local snowmobile club, your lodging facility or the area Chamber of Commerce. The MSA trail report focuses on groomed trail riding. Gen erally groomed riding can be found somewhere in the state from mid-December through early April, with prime rid ing found in the months of January, February and March. The longest grooming season is usually found in a north erly widening swath running from the elevated western mountains and foothills up through northern Maine. Great riding can be found in all areas of the state, but southern and coastal areas usually see a somewhat shorter season due to earlier warming trends and proximity to the ocean. Local clubs determine when conditions are right to open the trails in their area. Snow pack alone is no guarantee that trails will be open. The determination is based on factors like the amount of snow on the ground, progress of preseason trail work such as signage, and whether the ground is well frozen. In some areas landowners will re quire an opening date that doesn’t conflict with their pri mary use of the land, and the clubs will of course comply. Please respect “Trail Closed” signs.



Know Before You Go! – Always Check Local Ice Conditions Provided by The International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association

on ice without additional traction devices; consequently fast stops are impossible and spinouts far too common on bare ice. Avoid heavy braking to stop; instead let up on the throttle allowing the machine to slowly coast to a stop. Snowmobile collisions on lakes account for a significant number of crashes because rid ers often wrongly assume lakes are flat, wide open areas, totally free of obstructions. Real ize that if you can ride and turn in any direc tion while operating on a lake, so can other riders, so the threat of a collision can come from any direction at any time. Additionally, lakes are not always free of obstructions since ice heaves, slush pockets, or frozen mounds from ice fishing can be encountered unex pectedly and change from day to day. Never trust the judgment of other snowmo bilers by simply following their snowmobile tracks across ice. You are responsible for your own safety so, if you choose to ride across ice, be absolutely certain the ice is safely frozen by testing the ice thickness. It is critical to evaluate the ice quality and type before traveling out onto it. New ice that is clear and hard is the only kind of ice recom mended for travel. Always avoid: • Slushy ice • Ice on or near moving water (i.e. rivers, currents, channels) • Ice that has thawed and refrozen • Layered or ‘rotten’ ice caused by sudden temperature changes • Other risk factors that weaken or ‘rot’ ice are: • Snow on ice that acts as an insulating blanket that prevents hardening • Pressure ridges in the ice due to wind, cur rent, or ice pressure Know and follow safe ice thickness guide lines, which apply only to new clear hard ice: Getting Out if You Fall Through

Drowning is a leading cause of snowmo biling fatalities. If you ride on ice often, con sider wearing a buoyant floatation snowmo bile suit. It is also a good idea to wear a set of commercial ice picks, which have spring loaded sleeves that cover the points and are attached to a cord so they can be threaded through the sleeves of your jacket. If you fall through the ice, stay calm. Real ize that air trapped inside your snowmobile suit (even a non-buoyant one) and helmet may help keep you afloat for several min utes. Extend your arms out forward in front of you and onto the unbroken ice surface in an attempt to catch yourself. Kick your feet to help propel you onto the ice, like a seal. If the ice keeps breaking, continue kicking and trying to move toward shore or the direction from which you came. Use anything sharp like ice picks, keys, or a knife to dig into the ice to help pull you forward. Don’t remove your gloves or mitts. Once you are on the ice, crawl or roll away from the hole. Do not attempt to stand up until you are well away from the hole.

Ice can always be dangerous because of changing conditions and inconsistencies in its thickness, particularly when there is running water beneath it. The safest snowmobiling rule is to never cross lakes or rivers since ice thickness to support a snowmobile can never be guaranteed. Never venture onto lakes or rivers unless you are absolutely certain of a safe route across the frozen surface. In addition to the danger of plunging through thin ice, you have far less traction for start ing, turning, and stopping on ice. Always use extreme caution and travel at lower speeds when riding on ice. Remain seated on the snowmobile to help keep the center of gravity low and to aid in controlling your machine. A snowmobile can be extremely hard to control



Services for Snowmobilers There are Maine businesses, Chambers of Commerce and tourism organizations throughout the state who will gladly assist with trip planning and local trail information. Snowmobiling has a significant economic impact for many communities in the state, and lodging facilities, restaurants and other local businesses look forward to the arrival of snowmobilers in their area. The advertisements in this guide and listings and links on the MSAweb site, www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com , contain information about a number of these welcoming businesses. Depending on where you choose to ride, lodging choices may include resorts (lodging, dining, sled rentals and guide service available in one location), modern motels, inns, B&B’s and sporting camps. Some groups prefer to rent cabins where they can prepare meals and enjoy one another’s company in a private setting. Couples may prefer private cottages or suites. Families with youngsters may enjoy a motel with a swimming pool and on-site dining. You’ll find restaurants from home-style cooking to fast food, upscale dining to grab and go. If you have the opportunity, stop by a snowmobile club public supper (or breakfast or lunch...). There’s always lots of good home made food at a can’t be beat price. If you’re planning to rent sleds, reserve the machines in advance. Expect a minimum age for operators, and a damage deposit requirement. The rental agent should go over operation and safety guidelines before you head out. First time riders may consider hiring a recreational guide to lead a knowledgeable tour of the area trails. Remember that in some areas of the state, particularly the north woods, there will be a distance between any stops for gas and food, so plan ahead. The Maine Snowmobile Association The volunteers of the 280 +/- affiliated clubs of the Maine Snowmobile Association accept responsibility for maintaining much of Maine’s snowmobile trail system. Members work with landowners, cut, brush, sign and groom trails, build bridges, purchase, maintain and operate grooming equipment, produce local trail maps, maintain the records and paperwork required for trail and equipment grants, host fundraisers and recruit new members. Some MSAclubs are involved with charitable fundraising events and sponsor safety courses and voluntary trail checks during the season. Early leaders of the MSA successfully pushed legislation to establish a state snowmobile registration system to assist clubs with trail expenses. Several years ago the MSA successfully lobbied to credit the trail fund with a small portion of the state gasoline tax attributable to snowmobiling. The trail system is supported in part through a state grant program funded by these user pay sources, but clubs must raise funds to cover expenses not reimbursed by their grant. Club fundraising events may include public suppers, dances, winter festivals, swap meets and racing events. Attendance at any club hosted fundraiser is a great way to have fun, meet other snowmobilers and support the club’s efforts.

Snowmobiling Hand Signals Please learn these standardized signals and use them when riding. STOP

Arm raised from the shoulder and extended straight up over the head with palm of hand flat.


Left arm raised at shoulder heigt, elbow bent and forearm vertical with palm of hand flat.


Arm raised, elbow bent, with thumb pointing backward, in hitch-hiking motion move arm forward to backward over your shoulder.

LAST SLED IN LINE Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical with fist clenched.


Left arm extended straight out from shoulder an pointing in the direction of the turn.


ONCOMING SLEDS Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical, wrist bent, move arm from left to right over head, pointing to right side of trail. Left arm extended out and down from the side of the body with a downward flapping motion of hand to signal warning or caution.



A portion of each club member’s dues goes to support the state association, a non profit organization currently representing20,000+/- familymembers and2100+business members. The MSA has an office in the state capital of Augusta. Staff includes a publications editor, membership processor and executive director who is a registered lobbyist representing MSAmembers before the legislature, state agencies and Maine’s congressional delegation. The staff produce a web site ( www.mainesnowmobileassociation. com ), a newspaper ( The Maine Snowmobiler ), an annual guide to Maine snowmobiling (Snowmobile Maine), the statewide map of the Interconnected Trail System and the annual Maine Snowmobile Show and distribute additional information through an email alert system and social media. In addition to membership dues, the state association is supported by publication advertising

revenue, the Maine Snowmobile Show, a golf tournament and an annual ‘Super Raffle’. The MSA Scholarship Fund, Inc., a separate but closely allied organization, has helped a number of MSA members with education expenses. To contact the MSA, email msa@mainesnowmobileassoci ation.com , phone 207-622-6983, visit 7 Noyes Street Place in Augusta or write MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332. Visit www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com , and like the MSA on Facebook. The MSA and the snow mobile club in your area, or in the area where you ride, would welcome your support. See pages 16-17 for a list of clubs and a membership form, visit www.mainesnowmo bileassociation.com or contact your local MSA affiliated snowmobile club. United we trail, divided we fail!

Eastern Maine Snowmobilers

j Trail Maps The map of Maine’s Interconnected Trail System (ITS) is available free of charge at the MSA Office, 7 Noyes Street Place in Augusta; the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, 284 State Street in Augusta; some Maine Visitor Information Centers, at the annual Maine Snowmobile Show and other events. To have a copy of the map mailed to you, send your request plus $2 S&H to: ITS Map, MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. A list of local/regional maps can be found on pages 18-20 of this publication, on the back of your ITS map and on the MSA web site www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com .

j Heading over the border Everyone must stop at Customs to snowmobile into Canada. Carry your current passport, passport card or other approved documents and any required insurance and trail passes for the province that you will be visiting. Visit www.cbp.gov for more information about travel document requirements. Please also be sure to inquire about any CIVID-19 protocols, mandates or restrictions that you must adhere to in Canada or other states. Note the hours of operation for Customs and plan cross-border trips conservatively. Our neighbors: New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, 506-325-2625 www.nbfsc.com Quebec Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, 514-252-3076 www.fcmq.qc.ca New Hampshire Snowmobile Association, 603-273-0220 www.nhsa.com




Carry out all trash , including smoking refuse. Landowners should never be put in the position of cleaning up after the very people they have welcomed onto their land. Stay off plowed roads. Many snowmobile trails travel over lands managed for the forest products industry. It is prohibited to operate snowmobiles on the plowed roads. Even if fresh snow has fallen on a previously plowed road that does not mean it is permissible to snowmobile on the road. Trailers and vehicles cannot be left along the side of these plowed roads. The roads are used year round to move product in large trucks, which can take up the full width of the road. The illegal presence of snowmobiles endangers riders and the truck drivers trying to perform their job. Respect our wildlife. If you encounter a wild animal traveling the trail, keep your distance and wait for them to move on, or consider another route. Do not pursue, herd or otherwise harass wildlife. Snowmobiling in Maine is a family orientated sport that gets people outside and enjoying the wonders of Maine in winter. You can see wildlife walking the trails, beautiful scenery that is only visible in winter, and meet some of the best people from around the states and other countries all because generous landowners have given permission to snowmobile clubs to use their land. If we as snowmobilers ride responsibly and respect them, landowners will continue to support us and our sport. Otherwise, we could find ourselves wondering why we can no longer ride a certain trail or area, and it will be because the landowner(s) wishes were not followed and the trail has been closed. THANK YOU, LANDOWNERS, FOR ALLOWING US TO USE YOUR LAND!! WE APPRECIATE YOUR GENEROUSITY!

Maine has over 14,000 miles of snowmobile trails across the state. These trails wouldn’t be possible without the landowners. Landownersare thebaseandbackboneof all recreational activities in Maine. 95% of all land in Maine is private. Landowners are the number one connection for all outdoor recreation sports including snowmobiling. The 280 plus snowmobile clubs across this state work long, hard hours getting landowner permission, clearing trails, putting up signs, and then grooming the trails once snow comes. This work is done by VOLUNTEERS who enjoy riding the trails and making sure they are safe for everyone to use. Respecting the landowner, no matter how big or small, should be the number one goal of anyone recreating on land in Maine. They own the land and are being gracious enough to allow snowmobile clubs to use their land. Establishing a good working relationship with the landowner from the beginning will go a long way with them. Snowmobile riders need to Ride Responsibly and Respect the Land you are on. Club volunteers have worked with the landowners to find where the trail can go and then mark it with signs to keep people safe and in the area the landowners want them to be on. Even though another place might look like a better area to ride in, there are reasons why the trail doesn’t go there. Under the snow where it looks better could be winter crops or blueberry lands planted, or small trees that are not showing. Riding over these areas could cause permanent damage to them and the landowner could experience financial loss resulting in the loss of the use of the whole area. May be down that ungroomed, unmarked road what you can’t see is a logging operation or a washed-out section that is not safe. There are many, many reasons for the trail to not go there. As responsible snowmobilers we need to respect the land and F OLLOW THE SIGNS and MARKED TRAILS . Club volunteers have put them there at landowner requests and hope we all obey them just as we do the signs and markers on the highways we use every day. Unlike those highways, trail locations can change yearly, and sometimes monthly or even weekly depending on conditions and landowner requests. This is when, we as responsible snowmobilers, need to watch for the changes and follow the new route. Just because the trail was there the last time you rode, doesn’t mean you can go that way again.



The Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA) is an organization of over 20,000 family members and 2100+ business members in 280+/- non profit snowmobile clubs. Club members accept responsibility for a great deal of the trail maintenance, signing, grooming, bridge construction, fundraising and landowner relations activities that keep the 14,000 mile Maine snowmobile trail system open. Visit www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com , the MSA web site, for information about the MSA and its member clubs, the Maine Snowmobiler’s Calendar of Events, trail conditions and links to lodging facilities, services and Chambers of Commerce ready to assist you with your

Maine winter trip planning. The MSA also maintains a popular Facebook page. To join the MSA, see details to the right, visit www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com or contact your local snowmobile club.



The Affiliated Clubs of the Maine Snowmobile Association

Abbot Big Pine Riders SC Abbot Kingsbury Off-Grid Groomers Albion Night Roadrunners SC Allagash Moosetown Riders, Inc. Alna Alna SC Alton L A Sledders Andover Snow Valley Sno-Goers Anson Anson-North Anson SC Appleton Appleton Trail Makers Ashland SC Ashland Libby Pinnacle Sno Riders Athens AC Lineriders SC Auburn Andy Valley Sno Gypsies Auburn Sno Groomers Auburn Perkins Ridge Sno-Travelers Augusta Fox Glen SC Augusta North Augusta Trailblazers Baileyville St Croix Trailriders Bangor Bradford Snow Blazers Bangor Paul Bunyan SC Bar Mills Sokokis Riders SC Belfast Belfast Area Snow Packers Belgrade Belgrade Draggin’ Masters Rome Ruff Riders Benedicta Benedicta Snowgang SC Benton Country Cousins SC Benton Good Time Riders Bethel Snow Twisters Greenstock Snow Sports Biddeford Shaker Valley Sno Travelers Bingham Valley Riders SC Bowdoin Bowdoin Flurry Flyers Bowdoinham Bowdoinham Snowbirds Bowerbank SC Brewer Eastern Maine Snowmobilers Bridgton Easy Riders Bristol Route 66 SC Brooks Harvest Valley SC Brownfield Burnt Meadow SC Brownville Brownville SC Brownville Ebeemee SC Buckfield Streaked Mountaineers Bucksport Family SC Burlington Back Country Riders Calais, Breakneck Mt Sno-Riders Calais, Sunrise Snowmobilers

Caribou SC Carmel SC Carrabassett Valley Carthage, Webb River Valley SC Charleston Stumpjumpers Cherryfield, Narraguagus SC Clifton Area SC Clinton, Town & Country Trailriders Inc Corinna, Corundel Raiders Corinth, Powerline Prowlers SC Cornish Sno-Cruisers SC Crawford, Airline Riders Cumberland, Moonlite Sno-Skimmers Danforth, East Grand SC Denmark Draggers Dennysville SC Detroit, Night Drifters SC Dexter, Wassookeag SC Dixfield, Poodunck SC Dixmont Gold Crest Riders Dover Foxcroft Dover-Foxcroft, Piscataquis Valley SC East Machias, Down East Trail Riders E Vassalboro, Kennebec Valley Trail Riders East Waterboro, Ossipee Mountaineers Easton Trailbreakers Ellsworth SC Enfield, Cold Stream Sno-Riders Eustis, Arnold Trail SC Exeter, Cross Country Cruisers Fairfield Country Riders Falmouth Sno-Voyagers Farmington, Chesterville Country Ramblers Farmington, Northern Lites SC, Farmington, Shiretown Riders Farmington, Vienna Mountaineers Fort Fairfield SC Fort Kent Snoriders, Inc. Freeport, Tri-Town Penguins Friendship, Stormy Riders Fryeburg Area Snowmobile Assoc. Dresden Sno-Valley Riders Eagle Lake Winter Riders Baldwin Beltburners SC East Livermore, Jug Hill Riders

Grand Isle, Cold Mountain SC Grand Lake SC Gray Sno Wolves Greenbush, G & G Trailblazers Greene Dragons SC Greenville, Moosehead Riders SC, Guilford, Four Winds SC Hallowell, Barnstormers SC Hampden, Goodwill Riders SC Harmony, Heart of Gold SC Harrison Friendly Riders SC Hartford, Canton Hi Riders Hartland, Smokey’s Angels SC Hartland, Sno-Devils SC Hebron, Bouncing Bogies Hermon, Penobscot SC Hiram Hillclimbers Hiram, Kezar Trailbreakers Holden, Bald Mountain Snow Riders Hollis Honkers SC Houlton, Linneus Sno-Sports Howland, Twin Rivers SC Hudson, Pushaw Lake SC Island Falls, Big Valley Sno-Club Jackman, Border Riders Jackson Wheel-n-Ski Jay, Andy Valley Riders SC Jefferson Sno-Packers Kenduskeag Stream Riders Kents Hill, Fayette Ridge Riders Kingfield, Sno Wanderers Kingman, Eastern Maine Snow Riders Knox, Frye Mountain Sno-Riders Lamoine, Frenchman Bay Riders Lebanon Trail Riders Lee Mogul Pounders SC Leeds Stump Thumpers Levant, Hungry Hollow 76ers Lewiston, Hillside Family Riders SC Lexington Highlanders SC Limestone Snow Hawks Limestone, Pleasant Ridge Riders Limington Crankers Lincoln Snowhounds SC Lincolnville, Hatchet Mountain Sno-Riders Lincolnville Mountain Goats Lisbon, Riverside Trail Riders Lisbon Falls, Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs

Gardiner, Pittston Prowlers SC Glenburn Lakeside Riders SC Gorham Sno Goers

Cambridge Super Trails Canaan Bog Bouncers



The Affiliated Clubs of the Maine Snowmobile Association

Litchfield SC Littleton, Meduxnekeag Ramblers Livermore Trail Blazers Lyman SC Machias, Ridge Riders Trail Club Madawaska SC Madison, Abnaki Sno-Riders Manchester Country Riders Mapleton, Chapman Ridge Runners Mars Hill, Central Aroostook SC Mattawamkeag Roadrunners Mechanic Falls, Bog Hooters SC Medway, East Branch Sno-Rovers Mercer Bog Riders Mexico Trail Blazers Milford, Pine Tree SC Millinocket, Jo-Mary Riders Millinocket, Northern Timber Cruisers Millinocket, Twin Pines SC Milo, Cold Smoke Riders SC Milo, Devil’s Sledders Inc. Minot Moonshiners SC Monmouth, Cochnewagan Trailblazers Monroe SC Monson, Narrow Gauge Riders Inc Montville, North Star Riders Mount Chase, Bowlin Matagamon SC Mount Vernon, Minnehonk Ridge Riders Naples, Muddy River Sno-Seekers New Gloucester, Royal River Riders SC New Portland, Wire Bridge Sno-Travelers New Sharon Snow Riders New Sweden, Nordic Lakers, Inc New Vineyard North SC Newburgh Countryside Riders Newfield, Route 11 Streakers Newry, Windy Valleys SC Nobleboro, Damariscotta Lake SC Norridgewock, Coburn Summit Riders Norridgewock Sportsmen Assn North Anson, Embden Travelers SC Northeast Carry Sno Riders Northport Ridge Riders Norway Trackers Oakfield, Smoki-Haulers SC

Otisfield Trail Blazers Oxbow, Oxbow-Masardis SC Oxford, Rock-O-Dundee Riders

South Paris, Snow Hoppers SC Springfield, Quad County SC St Agatha, Red Arrow SC

Palermo SC Palmyra SC Palmyra, Sebasticook Valley SC Parkman Trailblazers Parsonsfield, Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters Patten, Rockabema Snow Rangers Peru, Peru SC Phillips, North Franklin SC Pittsfield Driftbusters SC Plymouth, Endless Season Riders Poland Sno Travelers Portage Lakers SC Presque Isle, Aroostook River SC Presque Isle SC Princeton Pathfinders Rangeley Lakes SC Raymond Rattlers SC Readfield Blizzard Busters SC Richmond, Richmond Sno-Rovers Ripley, Ripley Trail Riders

St Francis Sno-Angels Standish Sno-Seekers Stoneham Knight Riders Strong, Narrow Gauge SC Strong, Salem Sno Drifters Sumner, Mount Tom SC The Forks, Forks Area Trails Club Topsham Trailriders ATV/Snowmobile Club Turner, Ragged Riders Turner Ridge Riders Unity, Snow Dusters SC Upton, State Line SC Van Buren, Gateway SC Vanceboro, Crossroads SC Vanceboro Lambert Snowhounds Wallagrass, Sly Brook Sno-Riders Walpole, Kokadjo Roach Riders Warren, Bog Brigade SC Washburn, Walker Siding SC Washburn Trail Runners Washington, Hill & Gully Riders4 Waterford Snow Packers, 366 Valley Rd Waldoboro Sno-Crawlers Wales Ridge Runners SC West Gardiner, Cobbosseecontee SC West Paris, Mollyockett Sportsmen Club West Rockport, Goose River SC Westbrook Trail Blazes Wilton, Woodland Wanderers SC Windham Drifters SC Windsor, WJW SC Winn, Dwinal Pond 4 Seasons Club Winslow, Fort Halifax Snowdrifters Waterville, Central Maine SC Wayne, Thirty Mile River SC Weld Winter Wildcats SC West Bethel, Wild River Riders

Rockwood, Blue Ridge Riders Rockwood, Pittston Farm SC Rockwood, Taunton-Raynham Boundary Riders Roxbury, Slippery Sliders SC Rumford Polar Bears Sabattus Mountaineers Saco Pathfinders

Sanford, Southern Maine Sno-Goers Searsmont, Tri-Town Snow Riders

Sebago Branch Duckers Inc Shapleigh, Mousam Valley SC

Shapleigh, Squash Hollow Sno Goers Sherman, Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters

Shirley Bog Trail Busters Sidney Trail Riders Club

Skowhegan Sno-Hawks SC Smithfield, Moonshiners, Inc. Solon Snow Hawks Somerville, Backwoods Bouncers SC South Casco, Crooked River SC China Four Season Club Gardiner Ridge Riders South Paris, Hungry Hollow Hustlers

Winterport Riverside Riders Winthrop, Hillandalers SC

Wiscasset, Wiscasset Sno-Goers Woolwich, Nequasset Trailbreakers Yarmouth, Royal River SC

Oakland Snow Goers Orrington Trail Riders



Regional & Local Snowmobile Trail Maps

The Map of the Interconnected Trail System covers approximately 4000 miles of trail. Listed here are maps covering portions of the additional 10,000 miles of trail with information on how to obtain them.

REGIONAL MAPS Aroostook County Map-All snowmobile trail systems in the county - contact one of the Chambers of Commerce in the county C-4 Map-$3-Includes:Readfield, Mt. Vernon, Fayette, Wayne, Leeds, Wales, Greene, Monmouth, Winthrop, Belgrade, Man chester, N. Augusta, Sidney, Hallowell, Farmingdale, W Gardiner, Litchfield-Con tact clubs in these areas Downeast Sunrise Trail-Downloadable Trail Section maps, available on the State of Maine web site, maine.gov,-Dept of Agri culture, Conservation & Forestry The Forks-West Forks-Caratunk-Parlin Pond Area Map-Avail at area businesses. $2 to Forks Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 1, West Forks ME 04985. Pick up at Northern Outdoors front desk; download at northernoutdoors. com Jackman Area Map-Posted on the Border Riders web site, borderridersclub.com. Email michelle@borderridersclub.com, Border Riders Sportsman Club. Greater Katahdin Region Map- Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce katahdin maine.com Moosehead Lake Region-Contact the Moosehead Lake Region Chamber of Commerce, mooseheadlake.org 207-695- 2702. Rangeley Lakes-Oquossoc Region-Avail at businesses in Rangeley and Oquossoc. $5 +postage at rangeleysnowmobile.com. Rangeley Lakes SC ADDITIONAL MAPS Abbot-Avail at Abbot Town Hall or contact Big Pine Riders SC President 207-876-4020 Acton, Shapleigh-Avail at Boonies General Store, 1007 Shapleigh Corner Road in Shapleigh, and area snowmobile busi nesses. Mousam Valley SC Allagash-Avail from Fort Kent Chamber of Commerce fortkentchamber.com. Moose town Riders Inc Alna-Contact Taylor McGraw, 207-299-8523. Alna SC Appleton. Free from club members or write: Appleton Trailmakers, 2306 W Appleton Rd, Appleton ME 04862 Auburn-Contact Auburn Sno Groomers SC through club Facebook page Auburn-Contact Perkins Ridge Sno-Trav

elers through club Facebook page, or email dan.bilodeau@yahoo.com Bangor-Message Paul Bunyan SC through their Facebook page, or attend a meeting Beddington-Call 207-546-1179 or 207-667 2052. $4.95. Airline Riders SC Belfast-Free. Write Belfast Area SnowPack ers, PO Box 905, Belfast ME 04915 Belgrade-$2 to: Belgrade Draggin Masters, PO Box 492, Belgrade ME 04917 Benton-Good Time Riders. Request via email -goodtimeriders@gmail.com or club Facebook page Bowdoin-Avail at the Bowdoin Store. Bowdoin Flurry Flyers Bradford-Contact Glen Henderson, 118 Main Rd, Bradford ME 04410; 207-327-2182. Bradford Snow Blazers Bridgton-$3. Avail at local businesses. Bridgton Easy Riders Brownfield-$1 for postage; donations welcome. Write Burnt Meadow SC, PO Box 412, Brownfield ME 04010 Bucksport-Family SC trail map posted at familysnowmobileclub.com Buckfield-Message the Streaked Mountaineers SC through their Facebook page Calais-Contact Sunrise Snowmobilers, PO Box 178, Calais ME 04619 or message through club Facebook page Carmel-Avail at local businesses and from the Carmel SC, PO Box 141, Carmel ME 04419 Carrabassett Valley-Write: J.V. Wing SC, Valley Crossing #11, Carrabassett Valley ME 04947 or email brobbin3@gmail.com Carthage-Call Bob Weston, 207-562-4253. Webb River Valley SC Casco- Crooked River SC map avail at area businesses, email crookedriversnowmo bile -club @ gmail.com or message club through Face book page Caswell-Avail at Town Office and the Pleasant Ridge Riders SC clubhouse, 17 Pleasant Ridge Road Chapman-Avail at local businesses Cherryfield-Contact Narraguagus SCTrail master, PO Box 234, Cherryfield ME04622 Chesterville-$5, Farmington regional map. Contact John Starrett, PO Box 808, Farm ington ME 04938 China-Visit China Four Seasons Club web site, chinafourseasons.org or club Face

book page Clinton-Free with SASE to: Town & Country Trailriders, PO Box 23, Clinton ME 04927 Corinna-Message Corundel Raiders SC through club Facebook page Cornish-$5. Contact Cornish Sno-Cruisers SC, PO Box 367, Cornish ME 04020, cor nishsnocruisers@ yahoo.com, 207-793 4730 or message club Facebook page Damariscotta-Contact Damariscotta Lake SC trailmaster Andy Baldwin 207-975 7039 Dedham-Bald Mountain Snowriders map pdf on club website https://baldmoun tainsnowriders.wordpress.com Den mark-Denmark Draggers SC map avail at Jimbob’s Store, Cardinal Printing, Den mark Town Office Dennysville-Contact Dennysville SC, PO Box 45, Dennysville ME 04628 or stop by the clubhouse Detroit-Call 207-355-5392. Night Drifters SC Dixfield-No charge. Contact Poodunck SC, POBox 276, Dixfield ME 04224 or email holmespg@myfairpoint.net Dixmont-Dixmont Goldcrest Riders map \ avail at the clubhouse on Cates Road or can be downloaded at https://sites.goo gle.com/site/goldcrestriders Dover-Foxcroft-Avail from Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce, 207-564-7533 Dresden-$3 and SASE to: Dresden Sno-Valley Riders, PO Box 317, Dresden ME 04342 East Machias-$5. Contact Down East Trail Riders, PO Box 658, East Machias ME 04630 or message through club Facebook page Ebeemee Twp-Free. Message Ebeemee SC through club Facebook page or view map at esc-ebeemeesnowmobileclub.com Ellsworth-Ellsworth SC map-call Bill Clark 207-460-4292, Rick Hunnewell 207-266 0104, Arthur Miller 207-266-6757 Embden-$5 to: Embden Travelers SC, PO Box 642, North Anson ME 04958 Eustis-Stratton-Avail at area businesses at club donation boxes or download map from Arnold Trail SC web site arnoldtrail - snowmobileclub.com Exeter-Cross Country Cruisers map avail at Town Office Fairfield-Call Fairfield Country Riders President Mike Slaney 207-453-9091 or email pmlmslaney@gmail.com



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