journal d'une transition


These dreams are very charged, not exactly vitally but, I think, more in the way of the subtle physical. But the thing is; I cannot be absolutely sure it is actually H… I do not know enough!

*17-12-1979, Auroville: We are all at work; some of us up on the structure, when we see the entire carpenters’ crew cycling over at full speed. We laugh: it is too late to stop them; they’ve got us this time! A moment later, behind them, come the Inspectors and some constables in a jeep, who have obviously been bribed not to follow Valya’s instructions. They all gather under the Banyan tree… I get the idea: I consult with G.M, we all go down and each of us takes one of their cycles and carry them on our shoulders back to the hills… The Inspector Thomas comes to us; I burst at him, asking him whether he is working with the SAS and calling him a liar; Arjun stops me from going further, while G.M is very pleased! Finally the police drive the carpenters away and some helmeted constables remain at the Banyan tree and we go back to work… Later we collect in the office and have our Monday meeting: we have received from Bombay a letter that refers to offerings being withheld by Madanlal; solutions are needed for Ponnu, for Mangini, for Narayanswamy and Kanyappan – I seem to be the only one to support Mangini!; a proposal for solar cells has come, in connection to the discs design for the sphere covering… *18-12-1979, Auroville: Last night, in one of my activities, I gave birth to a baby boy! And, as the day grew, in the dream, the boy developed and became a spiritual man, with a powerful sense of authority about him… There was some deep recognition between us… … We are all waiting for Valya to arrive with the DSP; Piero shows us a letter he has prepared for the Police: it is so far the most stupid letter I have seen for, in it, he is twisting every fact to make it appear as he thinks it should… It takes all the persuasion of Jacq, P.G, G.M and I to make him see there is simply no way he can give this letter in our name… When Valya and the DSP do arrive, it becomes even more confused - there are all those legal issues, complaints and cases and stays -, till Valya’s message comes through: he cannot hold the SAS back any longer, unless we make an appeal for a stay-order; otherwise, things may escalate and either the Police will have to take over the site fully or we’ll all be arrested… It is all very depressing… It seems that we do not fulfil the conditions to be able to receive Your Guidance… *19-12-1979, Auroville: The whole day I am thinking of drafting a statement we could all support and stand behind. V understands it and is very encouraging. After parting from her in Pondy I go and sit in the Ashram library for a while, reading an old article of Sri Aurobindo on “Boycott”: such a straight, luminous and healthy statement! I feel quite revigorated by it!

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