journal d'une transition


Later, kneeling at the Samadhi, seeking some indication, I get a sense of a very fine, gentle humour, of a smile, as if saying there might come an unexpected turn of events… … Jacq has received some French cheese and she and P.G have decided to call a whole bunch of us at the house here, after dinner, to partake of it! It is fun to see all these people gathered in the house, suddenly, even C.E has come, for… cheese! *20-12-1979, Auroville: After the PT meeting, I ask Diane to open a “Construction Fund”, to which I would contribute immediately, to start it; I also ask her to bring me the tapes of the next Agenda from Al.B… Yus has gone to Tindivanam to try to get a stay-order; he returns a little dejected; everyone he has met there seemed to have been brain-washed or bribed already… We agree to gather in the office after dinner… … About a dozen of us are there: M.D, Savitra, Gl and Piero, Phil, Bill S, John H, P.G, G.M, Dor, Yus, Ruud, Marcia, Jacq… The choice that seems to be left to us is to either let the carpenters and all the SAS agents enter the area unrestricted again, or to stop them once more and be arrested, without bail… Moreover, if more of us persist in this direction, the Police will then have to fully take over the site and no one will be allowed in… G.M voices the choice that most of us seem to be leaning for: that Prem and Yus first try our luck at the Madras High Court tomorrow, although there is little hope of any success there and, failing that, we will stop the carpenters, get arrested for it, and come what may…! But, even though I will stand by G.M and go along with it, this wouldn’t be my choice; my choice today would be not to give in but not to pursue any contact with the police either, or with any of the officials or legal agents but, instead, to broadcast everywhere, in the country as well as abroad, our position and the reasons for it, with a clear statement of what Auroville needs… *22-12-1979, Auroville: As expected, Yus has failed in Madras. So, as we all say with a good laugh, we now have only You…! There have been several small “accidents” lately, such as Phil getting his fingers in the sawing-machine… … Diane comes, with her children, to bring me the Agenda tapes; the communication is good with her… Jacq and Kiran gave returned from Pondy with armfuls of gifts for Christmas; they want to bake a huge cake as well… *24-12-1979, Auroville: The 4 of us walk over to the Kitchen in the evening; it is fully lit with a hundred candles, everyone is dressed-up; Jacq and Kiran are calling names and distributing presents, there’s hand-clapping… and all the demonstrations I most dislike in “collective life”, but I can’t run away, these are my people! I swallow it all, cake and sweets included, I can’t always be a loner… People start leaving and Jacq and Kiran join us and it is calm again and one can enjoy the jewelled flickers of the tiny candles and all the ornaments and the myriad of flowers…

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