journal d'une transition


… Every time V comes, she seems to be more determined to share my life, but… I still do not know! P.G has now decided to move to the Camp and has offered the hut to her… We’ll see…

*25-12-1979, Auroville: I have finished writing the report on the carpenters’ issue. (Everyone had agreed that I should prepare it). I type it up in the evening, and I wonder about objectivity, about honesty, about “sides”, and whether such a report can serve any true purpose at all… P.G is insisting heavily that both G.M and I must attend the Coop meeting tomorrow to express how we feel, together, about any further legal action, ad about the need to collect and gather more consciously all our energies around Matrimandir, as the best, safest and surest “action”… … Today I learnt that Patricia has gone to the States! She hadn’t told anyone of us! This is not easy; her going away weighs in the balance of things here… *26-12-1979, Auroville: This afternoon P.E comes, on my request, to help me finalise the details for the roof of C’s house; he gives me good technical advice; it is interesting and friendly; yet I find his physical atmosphere confused, almost unclean and it lingers with me a while after he has left… … We all meet again in the office after dinner. A few more have come this time, such as Marc A, Ed, Noh, Toine… There is good humour, but for a peculiar heaviness of mind in Rod… The general trend of agreement is that, for the sake of clarity, we must prepare a comprehensive dossier, including all relevant reports and documents on the one hand, but also all such essential elements as the Charter of Auroville, and key-messages and statements of Yours, along with available evidence of betrayal of these basic tenets and laws of Auroville on the part of the SAS and its supporters. And this dossier should be constituted in such a way as to be self-explanatory. We also agree to try and obtain a reconsideration of the case in the Court on the 5 th , yet not to worry if that fails too… *27-12-1979, Auroville: I6 of us were supposed to show up and sign at the Police Station to day. We ride down there on several bikes, like a raid – to maintain our repute -; it is fun, but all in vain; the Inspectors had gone away and nothing could be done. This is the absurdity and the grace of India, where everything seems possible at every moment, the best and the worst alike…! We by ourselves put our names on a blank sheet of paper and leave it there… *29-12-1979, Auroville: Russia has sent 10.000 troops to Afghanistan; toppled Amin’s Government, sentenced him to death and killed him! It has also declared its support to Iran against the US. What next? I still remember all the dreams I had earlier this year about Iran! What shall I dream now? I feel that Russia needs a second revolution; these old mummies at the top have to be taken off their marble pedestals…! … I am reading “Dialogues avec l’ Ange”…

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