MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

enrollment tool because it is a good way to reach students in a different way in case the colleges’ email system went down. Jennifer said that it is confusing to the student to have one email in the enrollment and another in Bb. Discussion was made that the wording of “Registration must be completed at your institution…. “ change to next screen that says: “You are not officially registered until you have completed the registration process at your school”. This discussion was tabled until the enrollment subcommittee takes a look at and recommends the changes. Jennifer suggested to change the example to . The subcommittee will make recommendations to the DLCs on changes. It was suggested to add an alternate email box with the option to be blank and an option to be able to extract the alternate email.

The suggestion was made for the enrollment status email to say “Contact the instructor” rather than “Contact the DLC”. Tish made the movement to change email to instructor and seconded by Buffy. The amendment to the email was passed.

On the grade distribution, the DLCs had problems with not showing the overall place. Audra suggested that we send the changes to her so she could send to Ive.

All the other changes that Ive made were tested and worked.

Andrea made the suggestion that Terry and Christian set up the new semester to build summer and fall classes. Registration starts March 24 and courses need to be built by March 17 th . DLCs can start building now. Purge by Feb 22 nd the old summer and fall.

Christian needs to have an IT seat in our DLC meetings to discuss issues and be considered as a nonvoting member. In addition, he said that we will send a representative to their meetings. He wanted us to tell him how we think things are going on with Bb so we can get a true evaluation of the Bb system. Overall Bb evaluations will be reported to the Presidents. Learning system, Community System, Outcome System and Content System all need to be evaluated. Terry Pollard will send the important Bb dates. As a recommendation, he wants to set up an exploration of a DLT (Distance Learning Trainer) association with the idea of helping recommendations for training needs. He requested names of instructors who need to go thru the training which will be in late Feb or first of March. Each school will have 15 instructors to go through the training. He is working with RCU on training and getting credit for courses through them.

Terry reported on the ATT grant. He said that we are ready to get started. It is a 3 year grant. Instructors will take their best lesson and share it with others and also stated that money will be involved. It will be presented at a mini conference.


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