MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

the student’s paper. Students also have to submit hard copies of their papers. With Turnitin GradeMark the student submits their papers electronically. You can save comments into quick pad so that you do not have to type the same comments over and over. These comments are stored on the system. You can create share and store customer rubrics within GradeMark. Can add the grades directly in GradeMark. Everything is then transferred back to the Bb courses. Peer review is not currently functioning in BB, but should be by summer 2009. Turnitin searched pro-quest in the past. Added five million documents during the summer to the Turnitin database. Diann stated that she has an instructor that uses it and when they submit the information, Turnitin shows that the paper came from another college/university. They have having some problems with those other schools responding for the original paper. Yevlin stated that for FERPA reasons they ask that we work with those other institutions. Dr. Ingram asked if the report is also submitted to the student. Yevlin stated that that is up to the individual instructor. They can choose what information that they want to use for the reporting and who to submit those reports to. i. New Developments with MELO – Terry Pollard. There have been a few changes in the library director association in terms of MELO. Jennifer asked if they were revamping the MELO site. The plan is to eventually move the MELO site to the state board. The problem is that our students do not know much about MELO and the tools that are available to them. We would like to push out a module that would let the student’s know about the 24/7 life library help. association with a handout. This is still a rough document and not necessarily the only sessions that we are going to conduct and the times in which they are offered. General thought is that we have two rooms at the Beau – beginner and intermediate room with hands-on sessions. First column is PowerPoint, discussion, and round table discussions. Second column is hands- on. j. Creating Futures Through Technology Conference – Terry Pollard. Terry provided the MSVCC will be piloting through the end of the spring. Provide best practices and as much feedback as possible so that we can make an educated decision.

Looking at asking Ive to build us something in the Enrollment Tool so that faculty can sign up for these sessions via the ET. Plan to have approximately 20 people per session. Ultimate goal is to have one room for Wimba with laptops. David Besancon will be handling the wireless for CFTTC this year.

Last year we were able to get MGCCC to come in for CEU credit. That could be a possibility again this year. AT&T will be paying for the pre-conference.


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