MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

credentials just work. Christian stated it works for State Board. Derrix white out the transcripts, Jones suggested using Paint to blocked the SSN, Dr. Mcrimon just DLC and System Admin. Christian stated certification letter would prefer, but flexible for Academic Deans.

New Business a.

Jennifer Leimer: SACS visit Gulf Coast had an awesome visit. No recommendations the onsite committee. Holly, Tish, and Audra provided information about the SACS visit. Prepared took the Distance Learning Standards and saved the file. Jennifer is going to email that file. Two interviews one was very difficult, had an agenda was not related to DL studied hard but not related to distance learning. Everything about the distance learning 20 questions, (Dr. Bishop from FGCC). Jennifer would share the questions. b. Proctor meeting- Jennifer stated it would be a good idea to have another group meeting from the proctors. Tish stated that happened a couple of years ago, and it will be great to have another. Christian stated that the demands has exploded and get ideas on the challenges proctoring requirements. Jennifer suggested to have a face-to-face and Wimba as a backup. Tish suggested to come up with a survey and come up with items and see what problems are having. Christian stated in January will be a good time to meet. Christian stated he and Tish would come up send out survey and send out by January. c. Audra Leverton: Formal request to state board to get more bandwidth. Christian is working with Ray Smith, will allocate bandwidth during high peak time. Is about going to the President for more bandwidth. Formal agreement to recommend: Audra made the motion and Jackie second the motion, all DLC approved (15). d. Christian Pruett: NEMCC Melinda Russell MSVCC of the Year. e. Blackboard 9: The preliminary plan upgrade in between Spring and Summer. Test server will be in January. Terry: Non-production environment comes available in 9.2 twelve PowerPoints on everything. Terry is waiting on the 9server in January. non-rac staging environment. Staging environment, because of the license has to be done through Wimba. All have the pdf documents, has to be done online. 12 Wimba classrooms, and 12 pdfs documents. f. Terry: Academy update: 3 new courses (WC 101, podcasting with Wimba, BP, Communication online)…67% registration success rate. The problem was the Faculty ID. Terry received revised update on Faculty ID, errors on the PD registration and suggestions to Terry were sent as well. 3 new courses: Copyright, Grade Center, and BB9 courses. Enrollment Growth, Fall 2008 100people, Fall 2009 236people. The changing face of training. Best practice course will be more interactive, simulation based, individualized scenarios-move instructors beginners to advance, courses developed with partnerships with Educause ELI group, SLOAN. Get with the E- learning training group for license to articulate. g. Christian stated that the issue with Faculty ID was frustrating and Terry Pollard was commended on his job well done and efforts and making sure we are being successful with MSVCC training. Terry received very positive feedback from Blackboard World. Fee for CEU credit through Pearl River. Encourage faculty to take more training. Alicia suggested Terry to email the support. Tish stated she still needs basic training, how to punch buttons, etc. Dr. McCrimon asked if there was a basic training, she will get with Dianne to create one online. Michele suggested creating Blackboard Basic training for 9.0. Terry agreed that there is a need for more button pushing courses but they also need to be taught how to teach online and will continue to work on that. January meeting Christian suggested we should start prepping for Blackboard 9.0. h. Christian: SmartThinking, two prices, total head roll count and second looking at only virtual. To buy enough hour $200,000 a year to allocate off the online enrollment $70,000 a year, is the group very interested in SmartThinking. Audra was concerned about the bandwidth. Tish


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