MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

c. Withdrawals and reinstatements in ET – Right now, after the cut off, reinstatements have to go to MSVCC. Christian asked if colleges would like to do this themselves, rather than contacting Beverlin. Everyone said that they would like this. Jennifer Leimer said that the only issue is having someone take a student out of a class after the student was in the course. Is there a way to block this? Hubert said that it would be great if we could go to the profile, click modify and reinstate, then the file would go back up. Christian will discuss this functionality with Ive.

d. Course cartridge compatibility – SBCJC and the eLC group cannot be held accountable if course cartridges do not work when moving from 8.0-9.1, or new cartridges with 9.1.

e. Building Blocks for Bb 9.1 – We have a building block subcommittee (Technology Committee). We would like someone on that committee survey the eLC group on what Building Blocks are currently used and what vendors you work with on those building blocks. Chris Square will work with her committee. f. D2L Upgrade Dates – Jennifer Leimer stated that the Desire2Learn upgrade is scheduled for August 9 th . It is estimated that the server will be down for that full day; however, after the last upgrade it was only a few hours and the server was back up and running smoothly. There are significant changes between 8 and 9. If you would like for us to do a quick overview of the upgrade, please let us know. g. Jennifer Leimer asked about the collaboration between SBCJC and USM. Christian said that they have been in discussion with Mary Dane Gregg. They have two programs (1) Teaching Certification (2) Constructions Technology which USM would allow their students to take some of the gen ed courses through MSVCC. USM would have a separate login, similar to a DLC role, and would let us know what courses that they would like to pull in. They have asked if there is a way to pull in some of our classes and let their students take some of those gen ed courses. It would work as our current consortium works. Each college that had courses pulled in from USM would receive a reimbursement of 75% tuition, those schools will also receive state funding on those students. Christian would like to state that USM approached state board with this request, not vice versa. Keri asked if other universities/colleges would like to do a consortium deal such as this, would they have the possibility of the same option? Christian stated that they would look at this option for anyone that approached them. SBCJC Business – Christian Pruett a. Presidium Call (11:00). Cancelled. The call was going to discuss any problems with Presidium. They would also like to do Parature training via web-ex. Please think about some dates that work best for you. We could possibly do this during the Blackboard downtime. Christian said that we are in the process of renegotiating our contract with Presidium and it looks like they will be cheaper than they were last year. They have asked if we would be open to sending up student cell numbers to Presidium for text purposes. Christian has been overwhelmed with the responsiveness with Hanna and Richa. h. Hinds has passed a policy in IAC that students must now pass the proctored exam in order to pass the course itself.



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