MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

2010 – August eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Thursday, August 5, 2010

A regular meeting of the eLearning Coordinators Association was held on Thursday, August 5 th at the Career/Tech Education Building, Hinds Community College - Rankin Campus. The president and secretary were present. A quorum being established, Jennifer Powell called the meeting to order at 10:31 a.m. Hubert Yates moved to approve the agenda with additions. The motion was seconded and carried. Jackie Bailey-Hall moved to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. New employees Shanelle Frazier, Coahoma and Kristle Lebrun, Meridian were welcomed to the meeting.

Blackboard Issues


Christian Pruett discussed the new contract with Blackboard. The company will be penalized when there are a large number of users who can to access the system. He is negotiating a three year contract at the cost of a two year contract.


The upgrade is still in progress. Blackboard 8.5 will be kept until the start of the spring semester. Eight hours are required to push back to the current environment if needed.

Unfinished Business

Enrollment Tool Roles

Christian Pruett asked the DLC to access using different roles to verify that permissions are correct. Christian will email the group the spreadsheet that was used to update the roles.

USM Pilot

The representatives from USM have reviewed the offerings in the Enrollment Tools and are deciding on the courses they want to use. Christian has asked that the DLCs allow USM students additional seats up to two seats over a section’s capacity.


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