MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

 Terry Pollard will review the results from the First-Year Faculty Survey and provide the results at the next meeting.  The use of the LockDown Browser with out of state testing was discussed. Christian Pruett will email a survey to the DLCs.

The group discussed creating a list of approved out of state proctors. No action was taken.

Turnitin will be upgrading soon. Christian Pruett will contact Yvelin Yang about training for the DLCs.

A report was read concerning Terry Pollard’s trip to Blackboard World.

Christian Pruett will print and mail three copies of the policies and procedures manual and strategic plan to each college.

Christian Pruett will send the DLCs a survey to be forwarded to the proctors.

Christian Pruett will provide the DLCs with an updated list of who is responsible for what , dealing with the restructuring of his office.

The group discussed being able to reinstate students. On the Friday of the 6 th week of each semester, Ive Burnett will freeze the rolls for audit purposes. At the college level, only DLCs will be able to reinstate students after this point.

Christian will check with Ive Burnett to see if there is a way to download all of the class rosters at the end of each semester.

Strategic planning sessions will be held on the Thursday of boot camp.

Learning Circle

Holly Melvin, Northeast, demonstrated the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. Northwest will provide the next leaning circle.


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