MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

 Page 9, item 10 – Add a comma (Due to course integrity and security issues, the MSVCC prohibits….)  Page 20, under Personnel – Add the following to the end….The confidentiality agreement should be signed by all personnel with access to the MSVCC Enrollment Tool proctored exam password listing. These forms should be filed in the office of eLearning. (The form should be added to the Policies and Procedures Manual  Page 21, under Evaluations – Change sentence three to say in October each year.

The changes were not approved as of Oct. 2010. So Audra Leverton made a motion to make these changes to the MSVCC Policy & Procedure manual and Cynthia Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Administrative Committee will make these changes to the Policy and Procedure manual. Then the updated manual will be posted to the Community site.


New Business a. Enrollment Tool Modifications Update. Christian discussed previous Enrollment Tool requests. The last date modified column on the grade list page will not be completed. According to Ive, if a “last date modified” column is created, the column would show when the course grades were modified, not when a particular student’s grade is modified. It will not be able to distinguish which record was modified. So Christian provided several suggestions to prevent instructors from modifying grades after the cutoff date. 1) the group can create a policy that will make the instructors more accountable and make the instructors send “grade changes” to the eLearning offices, instead of changing it in the Enrollment Tool, or 2) control the functionality of the grade page by turning it off. The group decided to create a policy would be more efficient. So the policy will say something like, “Instructors must submit grades no later than 72 hours after the last day of online classes for fall and spring semesters. But for the summer semester, instructors must submit grades no later than 48 hours.” If approved, this policy will be added to the MSVCC Policy and Procedure manual. Before approved, Christian would like for the ELCs to check with their colleges to see if there is already a policy in place that may affect the outcome of this policy.

It was also discussed that instructors refer to the MSVCC calendar on the MSVCC site, instead of the calendar that is given to them by their colleges. So instructors get confused when grades are actually due. So MCCB will modify the date on their site.

b. Audit request. Christian discussed the changes that will occur in the near future concerning the audit process for online courses.

The course list under the Audit Review section in the Enrollment Tool provides a course roster. Included in this roster is a column that shows whether the student is active or withdrawn. If withdrawn, there is a column for the student’s LDA. Ive will be adding an additional column to


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