MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

this roster that will show the date a student is re-enrolled in an online course. The tentative date for this change is Spring 2012.

To access this roster go to Audit Review>List Courses>Click course>a date column will show active students or a re-enrolled date>withdrawal date will show LDA. The student’s with an active date that is after the last day of the 6 th week will not be counted in the audit.

Also another change that will be made to the audit page is to allow instructors to sign the audit electronically, on the last day of the 6 th week.

According to Beverlin, after the group decides on a procedure, all 15 colleges must use the same audit procedure. An audit manual will be provided to the ELCs.

c. Proctor page request. A radio button will be created to show “None” for courses that don’t allow permitted materials during proctored exams. Ive will try to have this request completed by the end of the fall semester. d. Batch Upload Process Proposal (handout was provided). The IT group met and discussed the batch upload process between the ET and SISs. The committee decided that there will be a batch upload from the SISs to the Enrollment Tool instead of a live feed from Enrollment Tool to the SISs. The upload process will happen every 15 seconds. The first recommendation is to try to batch upload courses beginning summer 2012. This will be a test to see if the batch upload works. Then if this process works for courses, then the next item to try would be users and then enrollments.

The ELCs would like to pilot the course batch upload for the summer 2012 semester and begin working on the seat reporting.

The group will further discuss in more detail the batch upload and then decide to move forward or not. Keri made the motion to move forward with the pilot and Holly seconded.

e. Retention and Graduation Committee. A statewide committee was created to look at online articulation. The committee will help with the following: 1) students who are not ready to take an online class 2) faculty need to be more involved in the withdrawal process, etc. The committee will also help with answering, “What can we do to increase the retention in online classes?” Christian would like for this committee to consist of people in the following areas: student services, eLearning, Academic Deans, tutoring centers, learning resource centers, and Presidents. The ELCs assignment is to provide Christian with suggestions (ideas and objectives) and possible candidates that may be willing to serve on the committee.

f. The new site for MCCB is now which will be effective Jan. 1, 2012. The SBCJC URL will not work after Jan. 1.


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