MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


MCCB Business-Christian Pruett and Terry Pollard


Committee Reports a. Support – Audra Leverton-Present @ Bootcamp Meeting 

Strategic Goals. Audra Leverton passed out the committee’s strategic goals which show the process the committee is taking to meet their goals and the status of meeting their goals.  Presidium. An example of the statewide report from Presidium was passed out to the group. If you would like a copy of the customer satisfaction survey, please ask Christian for a copy. Also our contract with Persidium will expire June 30, 2012.  Wimba, Turnitin, and Persidium contracts expire June 30, 2012.  Make sure that the Proctor Confidentiality Agreement is signed by each proctor at your campuses.  LockDown Browser. Please provide instructors and students with information on how to download the LD browser.  Update textbook information in the Enrollment Tool. Please ask textbook store managers to check the ISBNs to make sure they are correct in the Enrollment Tool.

b. Administration – Tish Stewart-Present @ October Meeting c. Best Practices – Terry Pollard-Present @ November Meeting


Sharing Circle

a. East Central-October b. East Mississippi-November


Open Forum

a. Short-term course date for Fall 2012. On the short-term calendar for fall 2012 the 2 nd term start date needs to be changed. According to Krista, the 2 nd term date is on November 23 rd . The ELCs decided to change the start date to Monday, November 26, 2012. b. Export, Import, Course Copy Features. Can we turn off course copy, export/import? This can be done by making changes in the snapshot file. A role can be added to the instructors’ accounts. Each college can choose which one to turn off. c. D2L Upgrade. The upgrade for D2L is on January 3, 2012. d. Blackboard Snapshot Webinar. Terry will send the ELCs an email about the webinar which demonstrates the snapshot process. e. Standardized buttons. The group would like to add the list of the standardized buttons to the Policy and Procedure manual. Jennifer Leimer made the motion and Lilly seconded the motion. Motion carried.



a. September 30-e-Audit b. October 12 at 10-ELC meeting (Wimba) c. October 14-Print off Audit with signatures d. October 17-Spring Courses Built in ET e. November 16-ELC meeting at USM (Presidents Conference Room)

Canvas (Instructure) LMS will present to us at the November meeting. We will look at this system as an alternative to Bb and D2L. June 30, 2012 The ELCs need to make a decision about


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