MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Call to Order. 10:16am


Approval of March Minutes.

Jennifer Leimer made the motion to approve the March minutes and Keri Cole seconded the motion.


Canvas UI Training – Jeremy Cole


New Business A. MCCB (Please see Action Items for requested votes)

1. Respondus Update - Sole source contract using company for multiple services. 31-32 thousand annually for Lockdown Browser. Discount offered on Test Generator (25% discount) = 14.5k annually. 136 test banks requested since start of academic year. If we cut the test generator, Respondus will no longer be a sole source contract, and we’d have to enter an RFP process. Will have their personnel work with each institutions to ensure LDB works. *NW does not require LDB but makes students log in to test with it and have NO problems* Vote needed to proceed. 2. NetTutor Update – Exceeded our hours by 225%. Lowest usage was in February. Contract will be amended to include higher hourly usage. 341K for new contract. Permission needed to obtain payment for past fiscal year to reflect increased usage and amend current year. Keri Cole asked for amendment wording to be sent to group. Also requested for reliable usage reports. Vote needed to proceed. 3. SmarterServices Proctor Training Update – June or July training date instead of May at this point due to scheduling issues. Dates will need to be provided to Krista. Support Services committee to spearhead dates. (July 27 th is final date). 4. Canvas Training Update - 30 minute webinar on any outstanding questions regarding new UI and other questions/concerns. Add questions to Google doc to be reviewed during webinar. No more than two speakers per college. 5. Technical Specialist Update - Cleaned up job description. Individual will report to Ray Smith in IT. Person will be assigned to eLearning, attend all meetings, serve on committees and attend our events. Please encourage people to apply for it. Posted on MCCB website . 6. Program Specialist Update - – Committee met to review applicants with several good candidates found. Interviews will take place next week. (Christopher Ryals has accepted position with start date of May 16 th ). 7. RFP Committee Selection - Diverse group required. Some from MELA group, some that teach, and a member or two of the IT department. Committee ready May 1st? Go back to college and find people who would be good for the committee. Update Google doc with candidates. 8. MILD Grants - Professional Development budget to be included in MILD Grant with grant value bumped up. Documents will need to be recreated to reflect increase in grant. Vote will be needed to increase grant funds. Stipulation will need to be made that part of funds will be used for professional development. Follow up will need to take place on the grants moving forward.


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